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Penny Boat challenge CW: HW:

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1 Penny Boat challenge CW: HW:
Warm Up: Penny Boat Challenge Exit Ticket HW: 1) None Directions: Find and label the Independent and Dependent Variables. Mr. Sutphin wants to know how the shape of clouds affects the weather for the day. Mr. Pearson wants to know which weed killer will kill weeds faster.

2 Scenario Mr. Sutphin wants to know how the shape of a boat will affect the amount of pennies it will hold. IV: DV: Problem Question:? Hypothesis:?

3 Rules Construct your boat using only 1 piece of heavy duty aluminum foil. Pennies are the only item that you may add to your boat. Slowly add pennies to your boat. Once water enters your boat, or any part of your boat touches the bottom of the container, your turn is over. The last penny added will not count in the total amount added. After your turn, and if time permits, you may redesign your boat and try again.

4 Data Collection and Conclusion Questions
Predict how many pennies your boat will hold. Make a sketch of boat. Conclusion Questions My boat held _______ pennies. If each penny had a mass of 2.5 grams, quarter has a mass of 5.7 grams and a dime has a mass of 2.3 grams my boat held _______ grams. How did you place the pennies into your boat? Did you have a strategy? What worked, what didn’t and what would you change if you had to try this again.

5 Exit Ticket Find the IV, DV in the following Scenario.
Mrs. Shea wants to know which guitar plays the best Jimi Hendrix song.

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