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Agreements between countries

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1 Agreements between countries
Let’s Make a Deal! Agreements between countries

2 BRAINSTORM! Why would countries want to make treaties or alliances? List at least five reasons in your journal.

3 NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement
An agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada Ensured “free trade” between these countries – no tariffs allowed! Tariff = tax on imported and exported goods NAFTA also agreed on standardized customs requirements for goods traveling between the countries.

4 OAS – Organization of American States
Even though the title says “states,” this is an organization of countries in North and South America Began in 1948 Promotes democracy in all North and South American countries Promotes peace among nations It holds meetings where the countries of the Western Hemisphere can discuss their issues and how to help each other.

5 UN – United Nations Started after World War II to achieve four main goals: To keep peace throughout the world To develop friendly relations among nations To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals. Currently has 192 countries as a part of this alliance – not only in the Western Hemisphere

6 Can you guess which flag goes with which organization?

7 Which organization would…
Help set up an election in a country that has not run one before? Send money and representatives to help poor people in Haiti after the earthquake? Ensure that exports from Mexico are being imported to the United States fairly? Have the most worldwide influence? (Not just Western Hemisphere) Check customs requirements about lumber being exported from Canada? Hold a meeting to discuss political differences between Peru and Canada (if those differences were causing issues)?

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