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DMS W B 50 100 150 F-actin * F-actin/total actin (% of the control)

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1 Figure 1 Binge drinking increases F-actin content in the dorsomedial striatum
DMS W B 50 100 150 F-actin * F-actin/total actin (% of the control) G-actin ** G-actin/total actin A 1-8 Week 4h-binge  Dissection IA20%2BC DLS C G F G F Water Alcohol Actin ns

2 Figure 2 Binge drinking of alcohol activates mTORC2 in the dorsomedial striatum
DMS Alcohol pSGK1 Water SGK1 GAPDH D DLS A pGSK3β GSK3β W B 50 100 150 200 ** pGSK3βGSK3β (% of the control) pSGK1/SGK1 ns pGSK3β/GSK3β ***

3 Figure 3. Downregulation of mTORC2 in the dorsomedial striatum reduces actin polymerization
pAKT AKT GAPDH Rictor SCR shRictor A B GFP NeuN Merge 50 100 150 ** Rictor/GAPDH (% of the control) pAKT473 pAKT/AKT G F G F Actin C F-actin F-actin/total actin G-actin G-actin/total actin

4 Figure 4. Alcohol regulates MSNs dendritic spines morphology via mTORC2
B C *** 50 100 150 10 20 30 Distance from soma (μm) Number of intersections ** Scholl analysis Water + SCR Alcohol+SCR W+shRictor A+shRictor IA20%-2BC Week Surgery 1-4 6-9 4h-binge D E F G Area under the curve (% of control) 50 100 150 *** 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 *** Dendritic length (μm) Dendritic length 10 20 30 ** Branching points W+SCR W+shRictor A+SCR A+shRictor Scholl analysis 10 20 30 40 Ending points ** 13 12 14 12 Mean spine area (μm2) *** 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Spine area ns H Water Alcohol 13 14 I J W+SCR W+shRictor A+SCR A+shRictor 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 head width *** Mean spine head width (μm) SCR shRictor 12 12 12 12 K length to width ratio 1 2 3 4 5 Mean of length to width ratio *** L 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Spine length Mean spine length (μm) *** M N 50 100 150 GFP intensity ns 5 10 15 Spine density Spines number (per 10μm) ns O W+SCR W+shRictor A+SCR A+shRictor 20 40 60 Spines subtypes (% of all spines) Thin Stubby Mushroom Filopodia ns *** ** *

5 Figure 5. Downregulation of mTORC2 in the dorsomedial striatum reduces excessive alcohol drinking whereas activation of mTORC2 promotes it Week Surgery 1-2 IA-20%-2BC -4 3-4 OF IA-Sac A B SCR shRictor Alcohol intake (g/kg/4h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sessions ** C Water intake (ml/kg/4h) 8 16 24 s1-6 ns Alcohol intake (g/kg/4h) F Vehicle A E 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 (g/kg/1h) * (ml/kg/1h) 10 1-3 Weeks IA20%-2BC -2 4-5 IA-Sac-2BC Infusions D

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