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Advanced Honors English II

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1 Advanced Honors English II
Ms. P

2 Bellringer Remember, when the bell rings everyone should be seated, silent and working. Begin working on this sheet I handed to you when you entered. TRY YOUR BEST. If you don’t know, make your best prediction and try to answer. This is not group work, this is individual for me to see where you are and what I area I need to spend instructional time. 1st Period: Please turn in your forms to the bin. I am sorting them and handing them in.

3 Exit Slip Practice writing. Do you have your composition notebook? If so, please write this in there. Make sure you write the date ( ) You are about to have an excusive dinner party. You are allowed to invite 5 people, any 5 people (dead or alive). Who would you invite? Why did you make this selection? Why, specifically, these 5? How do you think they would interact with each other all in the same room? (Minimum of 6 COMPLETE SENTENCES…hopefully more  )

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