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Gather the following supplies

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Presentation on theme: "Gather the following supplies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gather the following supplies
Hammer Nail Your tin can Your design from last time A metal file A shirt to rest your can on

2 Art A Tin can lanterns

3 Agenda Review of last time Finish designs to go onto cans
Finish punching out design and start filing the metal inside of the can.

4 Last time We each designed a pattern to go onto our tin can lanterns.
Some were able to start punching out their design today. If you were not here last time you will need to catch up or you will not be able to hydro dip next time.

5 Studio Time Tape your design to your can
Punch out your design into the can Use the nail and hammer to make the holes Make sure you have a towel or shirt under you can to keep it steady. Once you have punched out your design Use the metal files and file the inside of the can to make it not sharp.

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