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Stations Read each station and answer the following questions:

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Presentation on theme: "Stations Read each station and answer the following questions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stations Read each station and answer the following questions:
Who was President when this happened, and what year was it? What happened? Why did it happen? What impact did the event have on American society?

2 Independent Practice Of the modern issues you read about, which do you think is the important issue? Why?

3 Exit Ticket 1) What has been one of the consequences of the War on Drugs? a. The complete elimination of crystal methamphetamine labs from rural American. b. A rise in prison and jail populations. c. Less money spent on law enforcement. d. Relaxed penalties for drug possession.

4 Exit Ticket 2) President Bill Clinton supported the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) primarily as a way to normalize trade relations with Cuba stimulate economic growth in the United States restrict the flow of drugs into the United States increase the United States trade deficit

5 Exit Ticket 3) How does new technology sometimes have negative effects? Explain two examples of this from United States history.

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