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Race Riots The Background....

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Presentation on theme: "Race Riots The Background...."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race Riots The Background...

2 Summer of 1919 Violence erupted between African Americans and whites throughout the U.S. (25 cities) Chicago Riot = 38 dead and over 500 wounded Revival of the Ku Klux Klan Fight back against all that were “anti American” Diminished by 1927

3 Omaha Race Riot of 1919

4 Beginning of Omaha Race Riot
Political Machine in Omaha Yellow Journalism African American Migration to the City Labor Issues in the City Underlying Causes

5 The Story Agnes Loebeck Will Brown

6 Images of Destruction

7 Images of Destruction

8 Image Overview Picture on the Next Page
When the picture is shown write down the first word that comes to your mind…

9 What do you see?

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