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Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Franco

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1 Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Franco
Rise of the Dictators Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Franco

2 Fascism promotes nationalism regulates industry suppresses opposition
relies on military power to maintain control uses propaganda to convince the public that its aims are valid selects “scapegoats” - groups to blame for the country’s problems

3 Mussolini July April Italian Il Duce

4 Hitler April April Austrian born Fuhrer

5 Franco December 4 1892 - November 20 1975 Spanish
Caudillo de Espana, por la gracia de Dios

6 Stalin December 18 1878 - March 5 1953 Georgian “Man of Steel”
cult of personality

7 Communism Ideally - a classless state in which all members shared in equal distribution of resources To eliminate the gap between the poor and the rich

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