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Changing the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic

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Presentation on theme: "Changing the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic
Wildlife Habitat Council Business and Biodiversity November, 2010 Changing the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic Laurie Davies Adams

2 “Here’s what we plan to do at the Corporate Headquarters, Boss.”

3 What are the considerations for the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic?
Does the landscape says something about us?

4 What are the considerations for the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic?
Should the public/wildlife can or interact with us?

5 What are the considerations for the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic?
What is an appropriate investment of resources?

6 What are the considerations for the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic?
Who is the decision maker?

7 What are the considerations for the Corporate Landscape Aesthetic?
What is appropriate landscape for our ecoregion?

8 What are the barriers to change?
Fear The Sting Factor

9 What are the barriers to change?
Tidiness Farmers Botanical gardens

10 What are the barriers to change?

11 What are the barriers to change?
Time Living with transition

12 Changing the Ethic Inform and engage all key players

13 Changing the Ethic Set objectives, goals, plan

14 Changing the Ethic Manage expectations – it takes time!

15 Changing the Ethic Communicate and ask for feedback Signage
Newsletter and bulletin board Newspaper articles

16 New ways to think about landscaping
Native Plants vs Ornamentals

17 New Ways to think about landscaping
Movement vs Static Landscape

18 New ways to think about landscaping
Benefits Combating invasive species Marketing and communications Internal pride and interest External benefit to the community Reduce emissions from mowing Reduce water consumption and chemical costs Increase team effort

19 BASF Wild Prairie Meadow

20 Paths added August 2003

21 Seeding November 2003

22 July 2004

23 July 2006

24 Welcome Wildlife!

25 Here is a place to start

26 S.H.A.R.E. Simply Have Areas Reserved for the Environment

27 Thank you for changing the Corporate Aesthetic!
Use land as a resource that supports the environment

28 Thank you for changing the Corporate Aesthetic!
Become community models

29 Thank you for changing the Corporate Aesthetic!
Increase the connection to the natural world for employees, customers, community

30 We are here to help!

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