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Anthropomorphism The act by an author of giving human characteristics to an animal in a story, play, movie, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthropomorphism The act by an author of giving human characteristics to an animal in a story, play, movie, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 anthropomorphism The act by an author of giving human characteristics to an animal in a story, play, movie, etc.

2 Analyzing anthropomorphism in RTT
With a partner from your table, or as a triple, review the descriptions of how the animals in RTT behave. Create a chart showing which behaviors reflect actual animal behavior and which behaviors reflect animals acting like humans. Give reasons for your characterizations. Why do you think the author chose to give the animals these human characteristics?

3 Now that you’ve had an opportunity to experience two different versions of “ Rikki Tikki Tavi,” which did you prefer – the print or the video version. In a paragraph with supporting details, tell me why you liked one version over the other. (Remember to have an opinion.)

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