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Historical Investigation

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1 Historical Investigation
Oral History

2 Historical Investigation
For our next unit will be doing historical investigation and expository writing Over break you will be interviewing a family member or family friend Historical investigation means: we are looking for history!

3 Oral History You must interview someone older than your parents
Preferably from a different generation from them It can be a family member or family friend

4 Why? It’s a cliché: but you can understand more about the yourself and your family by learning about the past The person you interview will love telling their story. Your family will love having a record of this interview Another cliché: The untold stories are often the most interesting You will appreciate this, maybe not now, but later when they are no longer with you

5 Resources Smithsonian Folklife and Oral History Interviewing Guide

6 Interview You must videotape it or tape record it. Best practices are included in the guide Make sure your equipment works before and during the interview. Bring spare batteries You must take notes during the interview. We will be using both later

7 Interview Everyone must interview a different person and take notes during the process If you do not have a way of recording your interview you will need the person to repeat their answers for some so you can get exact quotes. You will be using these later

8 Brainstorm Personal Questions Big Picture Childhood Young Adulthood
Historical Context

9 Before the Interview Who do you think you’ll interview?
Look at the questions we came up with Look at the questions in your packet At minimum you should have 40 questions to ask the person

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