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Outreach Session Clinic in Box Hillingdon Community Health Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Outreach Session Clinic in Box Hillingdon Community Health Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outreach Session Clinic in Box Hillingdon Community Health Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service

2 Outreach service Clinic in Box An outreach service is an extension of clinical service for hard to reach Young People These are those who do not normally access NHS services – GP or Community Clinics hence the location is in the non- NHS setting.

3 These Young People with special needs include: Drug and alcohol related problems Young People in care Young single asylum seekers Young Parents Young People from Black & Ethnic minority groups

4 AIMS To provide a confidential outreach Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service for hard to reach young people and sign post to local services To work in partnership with the schools team, local authority, voluntary sector and parents or guardians.

5 EXPECTED OUTCOMES Contribute towards the reduction of Teenage Pregnancy Rates To reduce the rates of sexually transmitted infections and improve the uptake of Chlamydia Screening for all under 25s Contribute towards reduction in the rates of repeat abortions.

6 Outreach Sites – Clinic in Box Uxbridge College: Tuesdays 12.30 - 2.30 p.m. Fountains Mill: Thursdays 4.00 – 6.00 p.m. Harlington Young Persons Centre: Wednesdays 6.00 - 8.30 p.m. Hillingdon Tuition Centre: Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.30 p.m. Hayes College: Thursdays 12.30 – 2.30 p.m. Jupitar House: Tuesdays 3.03 – 6.30 p.m. Tudor Centre: Mondays 3.30 – 6.30 p.m.

7 Confidential Service offering Emergency Contraception Contraceptive Pill Condoms Pregnancy Test/Advice Chlamydia Screening and Treatment Advice on long-acting contraceptive implant Advice on Sexual Health Signposting to other services

8 Comments Everyone under 25 years is offered Chlamydia Screen LARC discussed and promoted at each visit. College sessions are well used by students, there is the opportunity to discuss other Health issues as well as Sexual Health. Majority of males from Black and Ethnic Minority

9 Comments LARC promoted and discussed at each visit Service uptake continues to increase Most Young People attending are 16 and under

10 Conclusion The success and outcomes of the outreach service Clinic in Box can only be achieved with partnership working this needs to be extended and support the SRE programme within the schools. The outreach service in turn is embedded in the main clinical contraceptive service in Hillingdon and has strong links with GUM service thus providing the LINK: improving access to sexual health service through education and a mobile clinical provision in - non NHS premises

11 Service Provider Hillingdon Community Health Contraceptive and Sexual Health services Uxbridge Health Centre Chippendale Waye. Uxbridge UB8 1QJ Tel: 01895 - 252461

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