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Welcome to the January Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the January Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the January Meeting

2 1 Spring Hours

3 25 hours are due by the end of the year
25 hours are due by the end of the year. If you only did the 10 required, then you need 15 more. Seniors: no cord and collar Juniors: 5 penalty hours and unfinished hours roll over to next year Spreadsheets have been updated

4 2 Proposed Changes

5 Outside hours are now allowed
Must us at least a week prior Must send a picture through remind or Max of 5 hours Senior secretary will need to have been in the study hall prior to running Recording secretary will no longer be a position Historian will be a position again

6 3 Amendment Vote


8 Thanks for coming! Any questions?

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