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Nepal vs. New Zealand Lesser Developed vs. Developed

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Presentation on theme: "Nepal vs. New Zealand Lesser Developed vs. Developed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nepal vs. New Zealand Lesser Developed vs. Developed
Earthquakes Nepal vs. New Zealand Lesser Developed vs. Developed

2 Learning Intentions Students will better understand causes, impacts and response to earthquakes. Students will explore the differences between earthquake impacts and response in developed (rich) vs lesser developed (poorer) countries. Students will develop comparative skills.

3 Responses to the Nepal Earthquake
Immediate Response – citizen’s help each other, government helps as well 5 days later Aid programmes from around the world – NGO and foreign government donations start coming in UN appealed for $415 million Anger over lack of relief goods – protests about lack of government response Cash machines have been refilled for citizens and some shops reopened 10 days later Remote villages primarily impacted UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination team arrives Overall: Insufficient response thus far

4 Before Earthquake – Nepal vs New Zealand

5 New Zealand - Plate Boundary?

6 The Earthquake

7 4 Years After Earthquake

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