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SLT instrumental in setting up

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1 SLT instrumental in setting up
1 million people reported missing in the UK since 2003 – Met Police figs avg 25,000 per This man, for example, disappeared over 9 years ago We may not have… but I am sure we have all experienced some form of violence & aggression

2 Who are we? The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is the only UK charity entirely devoted to providing everyone in society with the practical support and guidance they need to reduce their fear of crime and develop skills and strategies for keeping themselves safe.

3 Violence & Aggression is:
“Any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.” 3

4 Active awareness Paranoia Complacency

5 Planning Choices Time

6 P E T eople nvironment ask


8 P.L.A.N for your Personal Safety
P repare L ook confident A ct to avoid risk and danger N ever assume it won’t happen to you

9 The Violent Behaviour Cycle
Trigger phase Critical phase Recovery phase Post-trauma depression phase Escalation phase Baseline Behaviour

10 Tracing systems – are you covered?
1. My colleagues will know where to start looking should I not return to base on time. 6. When (if) I am lone working out of office hours, we have a system to monitor my safety. 2. If I decide to change my plans during the day someone would be aware of this. 3. We have a clear procedure to follow in case someone does not return at the expected time. 7. There is information available so that my manager could contact my partner, family or next of kin (to ensure my safety) should I fail to return from an appointment. 4. We have a system for me to raise the alarm covertly in case of emergency while working alone. 8. My partner, family or next of kin would have contact details of a colleague should I fail to return from work, even if this should happen after office hours. 5. I am confident that an appropriate person will pick up the phone if I call the office in an emergency. 9. If I do not follow my team’s agreed tracing system, there will be consequences.

11 Thank you! Any Questions? Christine Morrison

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