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Looking at Their Eyes… through Foster’s Eyes

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1 Looking at Their Eyes… through Foster’s Eyes
You will need the following materials today: Your R.J. Your copy of Their Eyes Were Watching God A copy of How to Read Lit-erature Like a Professor Day 2

2 Your First Task 1’s “Every Trip is a Quest (Except when it’s Not)” 2’s “More Than It’s Gonna Hurt You: Concerning Violence” 3’s “It’s More than Just Rain or Snow” 4’s “Is that a Symbol?” 5’s “Don’t Read With Your Eyes” You will soon be assigned one of five chapters from How to Read Literature Like a Professor. Reread your assigned chapter keeping Their Eyes Were watching God in mind. While you read, note in your RJ key statements Foster makes that connect with Hurston’s novel. Draw connections between the two works. Give students about 15 minutes to complete this task.

3 Your Second Task Group 1 Group 2
“Every Trip is a Quest (Except when it’s Not)” Group 2 “More Than It’s Gonna Hurt You: Concerning Violence” Group 3 “It’s More than Just Rain or Snow” Group 4 “Is that a Symbol?” Group 5 “Don’t Read With Your Eyes” Keeping your assigned chapter from How to Read Literature Like a Professor in mind, now read the chapter “Like a Hurricane” taken from Foster’s work Twenty-five Books that Shaped America. Annotate the text while you read. Then, answer the following in your RJ: According to Foster, “the critics had their reasons. They just got it wrong” (207). Do you agree? Why/why not? What is your reaction to Foster’s statements pertaining to racism, discussed mainly on pages ? Note what Foster says about Hurston’s diction choices. How does this align with or juxtapose what you noted when answering your RJ questions for this novel? How does your assigned chapter from HtRLLaP connect with the chapter “Like a Hurricane”? Give students about 20 minutes to complete this task: what they don’t finish becomes homework.

4 Your Homework Ensure that you are 100% ready for tomorrow’s fishbowl discussion (elements from today’s reading may help you with your assigned critical lens—feel free to use these connections in tomorrow’s fishbowl) Each fishbowl tomorrow will be 15 minutes: be sure to have enough analysis to really dig deep Ensure that you’ve thoroughly answered all 4 questions from today’s reading of “Like a Hurricane” because there is a ‘part 2’ on Friday Remember, there is also a vocabulary test on Friday Show this right at the end of the hour.

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