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Applicability of Maximum Allowable Concentrations

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1 Applicability of Maximum Allowable Concentrations
Dr. chem. Mădălina David chem. Florentina Soare National Administration “Romanian Waters” Bucharest, Romania WFD CIS Working Group Chemicals, 14 October 2013, Brussels (Belgium) APELE ROMÂNE

2 WFD CIS Working Group Chemicals, 14 October 2013, Brussels (Belgium)
APELE ROMÂNE Legal requirements Part A of Annex I of the EQS Directive 2008/105/EC : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) No. Name of substance CAS number 1 AA‑EQS 2 Inland surface waters 3 AA‑EQS 2 Other surface waters MAC‑EQS 4 Inland surface waters Anthracene 120‑12‑7 0,1 0,4 (20) Lead 7,2 not applicable (25) Octylphenols 140‑66‑9 0,01 4 This parameter is the EQS expressed as a maximum allowable concentration (MAC‑EQS). Where the MAC‑EQS are marked as "not applicable", the AA‑EQS values are considered protective against short‑term pollution peaks in continuous discharges since they are significantly lower than the values derived on the basis of acute toxicity. RO interpretation: When MAC‑EQS is marked as "not applicable“  MAC‑EQS = AA‑EQS WFD CIS Working Group Chemicals, 14 October 2013, Brussels (Belgium)

3 Existing / New legal requirements
APELE ROMÂNE Existing / New legal requirements Part A of Annex I of the EQS Directive 2008/105/EC : Annex II of the new EQS Directive 2013/39/EU: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) No. Name of substance CAS number 1 AA‑EQS 2 Inland surface waters 3 AA‑EQS 2 Other surface waters MAC‑EQS 4 Inland surface waters Anthracene 120‑12‑7 0,1 0,4 (20) Lead 7,2 not applicable (25) Octylphenols 140‑66‑9 0,01 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) No. Name of substance CAS number AA‑EQS Inland surface waters AA‑EQS  Other surface waters MAC‑EQS Anthracene 120‑12‑7 0,1 (20) Lead 1,2 13 1,3 14 (25) Octylphenols 140‑66‑9 0,01 not applicable (34) Dicofol 115‑32‑2 1,3 x 10-3 3,2 x 10-5 not applicable (10) (10) There is insufficient information available to set a MAC-EQS for these substances. WFD CIS Working Group Chemicals, 14 October 2013, Brussels (Belgium)

4 WFD CIS Working Group Chemicals, 14 October 2013, Brussels (Belgium)
APELE ROMÂNE with the new requirements related to MAC we will have difficulties in implementation at the national level may be MAC‑EQS = AA‑EQS is not applicable everywhere ?!!!? if so, this should be done on case by case basis  more clear guidance is needed other views/opinions??? WFD CIS Working Group Chemicals, 14 October 2013, Brussels (Belgium)

5 Thank you for your attention!

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