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Published byCatherine Gerard Modified over 10 years ago
Welcome to the Club Officials’ Chairperson Clinic Congratulations and thank you for taking on this important role for your club. Known as the COC clinic We will cover and review for clarity and understanding all pertinent information and responsibilities associated with the role, of a Club Officials’ chairperson as approved and developed by (OSOA) September 2011
Thanks for Becoming an Club Officials’ Chairperson (COC)
Officiating in Ontario OSOA recommends that each club appoint and have in place an Officials’ Chairperson. This person should play a major role in both developing and advancing officials within the club. He or she should organize clinics for club parents and other interested parties. The dedication of the COC to competitive swimming in Ontario is much appreciated. So once again Congratulations and thank you for taking on this important role for your club.
General Responsibilities Club Official’s Development Plan
Today’s Topics The role General Responsibilities Club Official’s Development Plan New on-line officials registration administration Hosting Clinics OSOA On-line clinic process Staffing a Swim Meet Up the Ladder Questions Above is the agenda and the topics we will cover in this presentation. 3
The COC Role: Is an integral part of every club and OSOA
Plays a major role in the development of club parents and interested volunteers Mentors the “Up the Ladder Process” Has accurate documentation process Assigns the on-line clinic “keys” as required Monitor the club development plan Ensures “new” on-line officials registration is up-to-date Organizes club clinics and assists in the communication process of Regional clinics Plays a major role in the staffing of swimming competitions hosted by their club. The Club Official’s Chairperson plays an integral part of every club and is highly regarded by the OSOA board. With a strong emphasis in the development and advancement of club parents and other interested parties in the “Up the Ladder” Process. The COC is seen as a mentor of the entire officiating process and ensure the accurate documentation is available to identify all officials at all levels at the club. They as requested will provide the on-line clinic keys to access the clinics to club members. Ensures that the club meets and is working towards meeting the Club Official’s Development Plan requirements Last but not lease 4
All of the COC information as well as roles and responsibilities and tools are found on the site under the Club Officials Chair Folder
The COC Responsibilities are located here.
We will cover these in detail on the next few slidex.
COC Responsibilities Regular contact with Regional Officials’ Representatives (ROR) Officials’ roster club listing – current Capable of conducting & organizing clinics as required Complete Officials’ Certification Form Provide/present “Up-the-ladder” level pins Obtains Officials’ to host meets General responsibilities of the COC are: Need to be in regular contact with the Regional Official’s Representative Each beginning of season to ensure that the Official’s Club roster listing is up-to-date and current and provided to the Regional Official’s Representative Can access and conduct all clinic materials which included not only the powerpoint presentations but the test and appropriate handouts as required. Must also ensure that the roster registration form is filled out by all participants and a copy to OSOA and to the Regional Official’s Representative. Once the clinics are completed and the proper deck evaluations are signed off the OCO presents the proper “Up-the-ladder pins to those in recognition of achievements by the volunteer Lastly must be able to recruit officials when hosting meets or the club is attending a meet. 7
At the beginning of each swim season
COC shall: Request from Swim Ontario a supply of officials’ record cards and an appropriate number of pins for Levels I & II; Download / print from the officials area of the Swim Ontario website: Officials Clinic Certification Forms, Powerpoint clinics, questionnaires, answer sheets, Up the Ladder booklets and blank PTRs (may be downloaded / printed on an “as required” basis); Update the current list of active club officials, with their status identified (i.e. Level I, II, etc.). When the swimming season starts, the COC will: Request from Swim Ontario a supply of officials’ record cards and an appropriate number of pins for Levels I & II; Download / print from the officials area of the Swim Ontario website: Officials Clinic Certification Forms, Powerpoint clinics, questionnaires, answer sheets, Up the Ladder booklets and blank PTRs (may be downloaded / printed on an “as required” basis); Update the current list of active club officials, with their status identified (i.e. Level I, II, etc.).
At the beginning of each swim season
COC shall: Prepare a list of possible candidates for Level I clinics from the names of new recruits or parent volunteers not currently involved in officiating. Arrange a series of clinics to cover Level I and all positions in Levels II and III. Contact clinic presenters to teach the various positions and make the necessary bookings (rooms, equipment, etc). Have a Prepared list of possible candidates for Level I clinics from the names of new recruits or parent volunteers who have just joined the club who are not currently involved in officiating. Arrange a series of clinics to cover Level I and all positions in Levels II and III. Contact clinic presenters to teach the various positions and make the necessary bookings (rooms, equipment, etc).
During the Season Maintain good contact with the Regional Officials’ Representatives. They are there to help. It is not necessary for the COC to attend every clinic; but it is essential that the presenter be supplied with all the necessary materials. When the Officials Certification Form has been completed, send a copy to the Regional Officials’ Representative. A second copy should be maintained in the club files The COC is usually responsible for obtaining officials for a swim meet as required by the Meet Manager, in accordance with CSW During the swimming season the COC is to Maintain good contact with the Regional Officials’ Representatives. They are there to help/assist/mentor you. It is not necessary for the COC to attend every clinic; but it is essential that the presenter be supplied with all the necessary materials. When the Officials Certification Form has been completed, send a copy to the Regional Officials’ Representative. A second copy should be maintained in the club files The COC is usually responsible for obtaining officials for a swim meet as required by the Meet Manager, in accordance with CSW
During the Season When preparing a roster of officials for a meet, the COC should ascertain which officials need deck evaluation at given positions, and which officials need to have PTR’s completed for their next level. It is not always possible to accommodate everyone’s wishes, but it is important to provide as many opportunities for evaluations as possible. It is imperative to remind candidates that deck evaluation at any position is only possible if the evaluator(s) (attending Senior and Master officials) are aware of the potential certification before the session begins. Submit all level change notifications to the Regional Officials’ Representatives as they occur. It is the COC’s duty to ensure that the appropriate pin presentations are made. The Level III pin may not be presented without the Regional Officials’ Representatives’ approval. When preparing a roster of officials for a meet, the COC should ascertain which officials need deck evaluation at given positions, and which officials need to have PTR’s completed for their next level. It is not always possible to accommodate everyone’s wishes, but it is important to provide as many opportunities for evaluations as possible. It is imperative to remind candidates that deck evaluation at any position is only possible if the evaluator(s) (attending Senior and Master officials) are aware of the potential certification before the session begins. Submit all level change notifications to the Regional Officials’ Representatives as they occur. It is the COC’s duty to ensure that the appropriate pin presentations are made. The Level III pin may not be presented without the Regional Officials’ Representatives’ approval.
To access the site you type into your URRL:
This will take you to the above main OSOA site The main toolbar is comprised of seven folders Folder 1 is”Home” which is the landing page and there are two folders, Officials Registration/login and a quick link to the online clinics. Folder 2 is the login folder this will take you directly to the registration log in to set up a new user account or to log in for returning officials Follder 3 is the OSOA news which is exactly that what is the most current news Folder 4 is entitled Education and the pulldown folder are: Official’s Development Plan, Certification, Clinics for Download, About Online Clinics, Evaluation Guidelines and Evaluators The fifth tab on the main menu bar is Where one locates the Club Officials Chair information and there are two folders that are part of this, the Official’s Development Plan and the COC Responsibilities When you click on the COC folder a pull down menu will appear with two sub-folders that you can access and become familiar with: The Officials’ Development Plan document explaining the process and details The COC Responsibilities document that speaks to things to do/complete at the beginning of every swim season and during each season. The sixth folder is the Forms folder of which we will elaborate further on in this presentation and.. The last folder is entitled “About Us” and there one can find OSOA information as well as the OSOA By-laws, Board of Directors listing, Code od Conduct, Privacy Statement and Contact us.
Still on the OSOA main page, here you will find several areas of interest:
Officials Registration Resources for Swimming Officials News from OSOA Online Clinics On the top right you will find most recent information to know Note the Yellow Register Now! Button All in bleu are hyperlinks that connect you to those areas as listed
In the Home folder on the main toolbar
There are two folders, Officials Registration/login a quick link to the online clinics. I will elaborate further on the login/officials registration.
Home The pulldown menu under Home provides access to two folders
Officials Registration or login Online Clinics – Hyperlink to the online, note that all officials wanting to gain access must have registered an officials account which is approved by the COC and that the COC must also provide the clinic keys for the official to access a particular clinic.
OSOA News From the OSOA news folder the up-to-date information is available as displayed. Note other news on the top right the Quick Links and the Rules Section bottom right.
Education Folders Under the Education you will find a number of folders from the pulldown menu that we will speak about The first is the Official\s Development Plan
To locate the Officials Development Plan details, from the home page, under the Club Officials Chair folder you will find the Development Plan.
Officials’ Development Plan
By clicking on either the Education or the Club Officials chair a pull down menu will appear. The Officials’ Development Plan details can be displayed with just a click of the mouse This document elaborates the plan requirements
The Plan: Encourages clubs to promote their officials progression up the officiating “ladder”. Purpose is to: Enhancing a club’s ability to host and/or assist at meets. With the End In Mind being: Better officiating means better and more efficient meets. Our Plan is to promote officiating at every level with every Ontario club and it’s parent volunteer groups Enhance a club’s ability to host meets Better officiating = better meets and all for the swimmers.
Here are the requirements
The minimum requirements are based on the number of families and designated options Options 1 to 3 have incremental levels of required officials from level II to level V The number of families are described as follows: 70 or more 35 to 69 20 to 34 Less than 20 The entire process includes alumni officials to be part of the headcount.
Plan Clarification The requirement does not apply to developmental and regional meets. Regional Officials Representatives (ROR) maintain a list of club affiliated and alumni officials (Levels II to V) for their region. Regional Sanction Officers will be given a list of clubs meeting the sanction requirement at the beginning of each swim season (i.e., September). A club’s hosting eligibility, once assessed, stands for the season. Any club not meeting the sanction requirement, and wishing to host a meet, must submit an officials’ development plan to the regional officials’ chair for approval. Clubs can meet their requirements at any time during the year. Exemptions/clarifications The requirement does not apply to developmental and regional meets. Regional Officials Representatives (ROR) maintain a list of club affiliated and alumni officials (Levels II to V) for their region. Regional Sanction Officers willbe given a list of clubs meeting the sanction requirement at the beginning of each swim season (i.e., September). A club’s hosting eligibility, once assessed, stands for the season. Any club not meeting the sanction requirement, and wishing to host a meet, must submit an officials’ development plan to the regional officials’ chair for approval. Clubs can meet their requirements at any time during the year.
Clarifications, continued
4. Clubs may opt to combine resources when co-hosting a meet. If a club is not eligible for a sanction on their own, it must contact their ROR to confirm combined eligibility. The ROR will notify the regional sanctioning officer. 5. The family count only includes active “competitive” families. 6. Clubs with less than 20 families are exempt, but are encouraged to participate and promote the training of officials moving up the ladder. 7. Level IV and V officials may be parents of active swimmers OR alumni. Alumni must declare with a single club for the year, and must agree to work at meets hosted by the declared club. Clubs may opt to combine resources when co-hosting a meet. If a club is not eligible for a sanction on their own, it must contact their ROR to confirm combined eligibility. The ROR will notify the regional sanctioning officer. The family count only includes active “competitive” families. Clubs with less than 20 families are exempt, but are encouraged to participate and promote the training of officials moving up the ladder. Level IV and V officials may be parents of active swimmers OR alumni. Alumni must declare with a single club for the year, and must agree to work at meets hosted by the declared club.
Further Plan Clarification
The family count only includes active "competitive" families. Requirement does not apply to development or regional meets. Level IV / V official may be parents of active swimmers, or “Alumni”; “ Alumni” must declare with a single club for the year, and must agree to work meets hosted by the declared club. At OSOA Clarification has been a rule of thumb and therefore we want to ensure that all questions and grey areas are addressed in some way shape and form.
Club Sanctioning requirements
Club affiliated and alumni officials (Levels II-V) updated list available and current Regional Officials Representatives (ROR) maintains a list provided annually Regional Sanction Officer is given a list of clubs meeting the sanction requirement (September of each swimming season) The COC has the responsibility to communicate, to their club officials, the availability of club, regional, provincial, and national clinics and seminars as well as relevant publications concerning rules. The COC should pass on to the ROR the names of officials who have reached Level II and those who are actively working to move “Up the Ladder”
Hosting “ability” Any club not meeting the sanction requirement, and wishing to host a meet must: Submit an officials’ development plan to the regional officials’ chairs for approval. Clubs can achieve their requirements at any time during the year. b. Clubs may opt to combine resources when co-hosting a meet. If ineligible to host on their own, clubs must contact their ROR to confirm “combined” eligibility; ROR will notify Sanction Officer Unless you meet the “Meet Sanction” requirements you will not be able to host a meet due to you not having met the Plan requirements to be issued a sanction. Clubs may combine resources to host sanction meets who’s development plans meet the requirements as governed and approved by the Sanction Officer. Applications must be submitted well in advance to gain proper approval.
Education Folders Under the Education you will find from the pulldown menu The Certification folder
Certification The second folder in the Education menu bar is the Certification process for officials from Level 1 to V the full details of all levels are in this document and the COC should be able to speak and answer any questions from officials and they are to encourage the up-the-ladder process for the success of the swimming competitions.
Education Folders Under the Education you will find from the pulldown menu The Clinics for Download folder This is the location of all officials clinic materials necessary that will assist in conducting clinic.
Clinics for Download Still in the Education area, From this pulldown menu you gain access to all of the clinics for download as well as the respective tests and those clinics that are accompanied by downloads you can click and print or save
Clinics for Download When you click on the word “Clinic” in blue the page view provided is displayed. You can directly from the internet as long as you are connected and remain connected you can open the presentation from here. You can also save it to a your desk top or on a USB key.
Powerpoint Presentation
Once the powerpoint is open you have access to add your own notes on each slide (bottom left) and from here you can save and print your presentation which I will describe further in the next slide.
Handout from PowerPoint
In Print mode, under Print What, select Handouts Then, under Handouts, Slides per page, select 3 In the PowerPoint mode you are currently in you can click on File, Print and the enclosed Print screen is displayed. Here you are able to print out a variety of slide formats available to you that you. You then can choose from a variety of slides per page that you wish to provide the participants as handout. Those options are, one, two, three, four, six or nine slides per page. The larger then number of slides the smaller they will be. If you choose the 3 slides you will also have an area for the participants to take notes while you are presenting. The example used here is three slides per page. One other element to consider is the colour/grayscale: You need to choose “Grayscale” to print in black and white unless you wish to provide colour handouts. Colour handouts are much more professional and legible, however they are costly. You can always preview your selection by clicking on the “Preview” icon at the bottom left of the dialogue box. In an attempt to save costs, save on the environment it is highly recommended that you print double sided anytime you have multiple pages. Then under Color/grayscale, choose Grayscale.
Now the Test All clinics have a test and answer sheet that is meant to be printed and provided to all clinic participants. Note the toolbar at the bottom of the screen that shows a variety of icons, save, print, one of five slides, zoom in and out and that the document is in PDF format. The last page is the answer sheet.
Close each clinic by providing/signing each participants’ certification card and retain the sign-in sheet and input in data base. Level I Level II Level III Level IV Level V As a clinic presenter the Certification card should be sign off as this is a critical tracking tool that assists and is part of the process. The attendees roster of those who pre-registered along with those who attended must be put into the data base by the COC and presenter.
Education Folders Under the Education you will find from the pulldown menu The About Online Clinics folder, click on this folder and it takes you to the learning centre
About Online Clinics From the Education toolbar and its pulldown menu you can access the folder entitled About Online Clinics. This takes you to the OSOA Learning Centre site You are required to get the enrolment key from the COC prior to doing a clinic. I will elaborate further about this later on in the presentation.
Education Folders Under the Education toobar from the pulldown menu
Click on the Evaluation Guidelines folder
Evaluation Guidelines
This folder provides you with how to get a deck evaluation, Policies regarding evaluations as well as additional considerations about evaluations
Education Folders Under the Education toolbar from the pulldown menu
Click on the Evaluators folder
Evaluators listing The evaluator listing is by region (central, Eastern, Huronia, Northeast, Northwest and Western Ontario), should anyone require contacting a particular evaluator this can be accomplished using the address listed.
New Clubs Official Registration
All Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Officials Officials are required to register Annual profile update COC Identify who is working on next Level COC and/or ROR to be assisting in this process The online registration process is “NEW” for the 2011/2012 season.
Officials Registration Website
For all officials to register there are several locations to access setting up initially your account and then returning login in. Top toolbar has two areas one under Home and the folder in the pulldown is entitled Officials Registration and/or log in, Next to home is the login folder which takes you into the process. The yellow Register Now! Also gets you started Last but not least the top left Officials Registration area by clicking on the bleu hyperlink it takes you there also.
New Swim Officials’ Registration
Designed to allow Swim Officials to record and track their Officiating progress electronically In order to better serve the volunteer Swill Orricials in Ontario, OSOA has developed a new online Swim Orricials Registration website. The registration is designed to allow swim officials to record and track your Officiating progress electronically
The Features: Ability to find & register clinics
Ability to track & record deck evaluations Ability to track your moving “Up the Ladder” Integrate user names & passwords between two sites Completed online clinic information in one place This new site and features will provide you with: 1. the ability to find and register for hosted Officials Clinics by your club or other clubs in your Region 2. the ability to track and record electronically completed Deck Evaluations 3. the ability to track your progress as you move "Up the Ladder" 4. integration of user names and password between the Swim Officials Registration site and the Online Officials Moodle Clinic site so you only need one account for both systems ‐ automated updates of completed online clinics so that all of the information for your completed officials clinics is in one place
Benefits of the Website
Designed to aid all levels for Officiating For the Individual For the Club For the Region For the Province The Swim Officials Registration website is designed to aid all levels for Swim Officiating: • For the Individual, if you have ever lost your Officials Certification Card or forgotten to bring it to a clinic, the site will have an official record of your participation. • For the Club, their hosted clinics may be listed either privately to Club members only or to the entire Region, and will aid the Club Officials Chair in managing their Club's officials. • For the Region, the system will track Clubs and Individuals progress and help the Regions with overall planning of clinics. • For the Province, this system will provide information on the status of Officials and help with the Officials education planning for the future. This is only the beginning, and we plan to continue to add new features and functions for all details of your Swim Officiating progress.
Important responsibilities to administer your Club Officials using the Swim Officials Registration website. Validating new Accounts Adding your Club Hosted Clinics Verifying hosted clinic attendance Verifying Deck Evaluations Verifying Past Clinics As a Club Officials Chair (COC) you have several important responsibilities to administer your Club Officials using the Swim Officials Registration website. You are responsible for: Validating new Accounts created by Officials belonging to your Club are legitimate. When an Official creates a new account, they cannot log in to the system until you Approve their account. 2. Adding your Club Hosted Clinics to the website. Once you add a Clinic, the members of your Club can register for your Clinic. 3. Verifying attendance at your Club Hosted Clinics by marking the Officials who attended as having completed the Clinic. The status of all who register for your Club Hosted Clinic remains as incomplete until you mark them as complete. 4. Verifying your Club Officials’ Deck Evaluations. Your Club Officials may enter their own Deck Evaluations, but they are not official until you mark them as verified. They must present their signed Officials Card to you to prove they have successfully completed a Deck Evaluation, and then you can mark the Evaluation as Verified. 5. Verifying your Club Officials’ Past Clinics. Your Club Officials may enter Clinics that they have completed prior to the 2011/2012 season, They must present their signed Officials Card to you to prove they have successfully completed a Clinic in the past, and then you can mark the Clinic as Verified.
Now let’s get registered!
As previously discussed there are several ways one can get to the login page all four areas to access are highlighted. In the “Officials Registration” link. Should you require assistance You can also click on the |Help| button, which will provide you with a complete step by step document that can be printed to guide you through the registration. Let’s click on Help before we get started
Where is the “Help Guide”
If you need assistance in how to register and get started you have access to a document that you can can print which will guide you through the process. A a menu with bullets in bleu which by clicking on each bullet will take you down to that specific section immediately. Note the “Quick Links” on the right side which are also hyperlinks as well you will find OSOA News
Logging In If this is your first time into the site, you click on Register and follow those prompts If you already have set up an account/registered and your COC has approved your account you can log in by clicking the “Log In” If you happen to have forgotten your user name and/or password, you can click on either hyperlink
Profile Set up For the new officials registration , you must complete all boxes which includes you typing in the characters shown Please note that you must also set a security question and answer for the system which is connected to your user name and password when and if forgotten. Once all of your information is in you now click on Next to continue. Please note that your COC will receive this request to sign up and once they approve it you will then be able to access the site and your account. This process takes 24 hours minimum for approval.
Forgot my password If you forgot your password then you enter your “User Name” and click on submit and an automatic will go to you with a password change process to get you in. Click Submit
Forgot my User Name If you have forgotten your “User Name” than this message and information requirement will pop up once you clicked on forgot my user name. Here you enter your address that is in the system and again you will receive an that will remind you of your user name. By clicking on “submit” You need to click on submit and then you can click on Return to login so you can access the site once your returns with your valid user name.
Registration Settings
Once approval has been set up you must now visit the “Update Your Settings” at the top Right and ensure that all of your information is accurate and updated Once you have updated you can click on return. Note that you are able to change your password here should you wish to.
About User Settings Anytime your information requires an update you can access it by clicking on “Update Your Settings” on the top right toolbar.
Changing your Password
If you wish to change your password here is where it can be executed.
Basic User (when logged in)
From the Home page Once you are logged in you can view your training history: the top left box displays clinics you have Registered for as well as past clinics attended that have been verified which will elaborate on later The box below shows Completed Clinics The top right box displays any Deck Evaluations yet to be verified which will also be elaborated further later on The bottom right box will display any completed approved deck evaluations
Viewing Clinics Should you wish to view clinics you gain access to this by clicking on the Clinics folder on the main menu bar then you select Register for a Clinic Add a clinic folder where you can add clinics previous to 2011/2012 season. Online Clinic will take you directly to the OSOA Learning Centre where the online clinics reside All of these are hyperlinks
Pull down Menu From the Register for a Clinic page
o click on Register for a Clinic by clicking on the desired clinic course location and date o The details of the clinic will be presented. Once the the choosen clinic come up you must register and then you need to Click Confirm for your name to be on the Attendees registration list You can also click on Cancel if you have the wrong clinic.
What about Past Clinics?
One can Add a previously taken Clinic that was completed in the past (prior to the 2011/2012 season) by selecting the Clinics menu and selecting Add Past Clinic. Once entered, Past Clinics must be verified/approved by the COC . Proof would be the signed card by the presenter of the clinic attended or the register that was approved/entered following the clinic execution.
Entering a Deck Evaluation
When entering a deck evaluation that has just been completed you will notice that once I clicked on Add this screen is displayed. You must then from the Position Pulldown menu select the position in which the deck evaluation was conducted for. Next you select the date from the calendar that appears. You can toggle the month and year by clicking on the forward and backward arrows Then you must enter the Meet in which the evaluation took place. You then enter the Evaluator who conducted and signed the Deck Evaluation Than you click on Insert. Please note that this Deck Evaluation must be verified prior to it being approved.
Deck Evaluations Now lets speak about Deck Evaluations’
One can Add a Deck Evaluation by selecting the Evaluations from the menu bar which produces a pulldown menu By selecting Add Deck Evaluations. You then enter your deck evaluation and this information will go to the COC for verification, Once entered, Deck Evaluations must be verified by presenting your signed card to your COC.
Managing Clinics For the COC or anyone to View clinics for their own club from the Administration menu a pulldown menu appears and by selecting Manage Clinics. You will have access to the listing of clinics as per the example on the next slide.
Clinic Verification From the Manage Clinics page, from the displayed clinics you can highlight the specific clinic you are looking for from the list o if you wan to Add a new Clinic you click on Add… at the bottom of the list, here you are required to insert the date, time course, location, instructor, evaluator, club and if this is a private (your club members only) or public clinic o at the far right should you require to make changes to your clinic information, this is done by clicking on “Edit” Only your own club Clinics can be edited. Should you wish to see all attendees registered for the clinic than you click on the Details hyperlink o To Delete Clinics for your own club by clicking Delete next to the Clinic you wish to remove from the registry o View details of Clinics for their own club by clicking Details next to the Clinic
Clinic Attendees You have chosen to click on The Details link
o This will provide you with the clinic details as shown above You have access to the attendees listing who have pre-registered to attend the clinic. Once can add an attendee here also Once the clinic is completed one has to click on Mark selected As Completed and the check will be displayed. o To Print a Sign In report of Clinic registered attendees by clicking the Sign In Report link o when and if you Add attendees (they must have registered for an account) o following a scheduled clinic should you need to Remove Clinic attendees, you can execute this by clicking Remove next to the attendees name o Mark the Clinic and individual attendees as completed after the Clinic has been given.
Completed Clinics For the COC to view any completed clinics by Officials once again from the Administration menu bar click on it and from the pulldown menu select Clinics Completed List
Clinic information for download
If you click on List it will be displaced. o once can also Download a spreadsheet of all Clinics completed by club Officials by clicking Download List…
Verified Check Box For the COC to approve verify a clinic the Verified checkbox must be activated by clicking to mark the Deck Evaluation as verified o Then click Update to save your changes or Cancel to cancel your changes
Historical Clinic attendance
In order to view or approve Past Clinics • From the Administration toolbar you click on the pulldown menu item View Historical Clinic attendance requiring verification by selecting the Administration menu and selecting Past Clinics to be Verified
Past Clinic Verfication
The displayed view appears and from the listing you can see the name listing and next to the names of those who attended the past clinics the COC clicks on the Verified box displayed o by Clicking on the Edit link you can edit any of the Past Clinic information
Deck Evaluation view The COC can also View Deck Evaluations that requir verification These are accessed by selecting the Administration menu and from the pulldown menu to select Deck Evaluations to be Verified folder
Verifying Deck Evaluations
Once you have selected the Deck Evaluations to be Verified folder the above view will appear o The COC will click on the Verified checkbox to validate the deck evaluation entered and then Click the Edit link to edit or change any the Deck Evaluation information.
Viewing Officials List
To view the Officials list for your own club From the main toolbar, under the administration folder once you click on it the pulldown menu displays six folders You select the Officials List folder.
Officials’ list page This folder will provide you with your clubs registered Officials List. From this listing you can see the individuals user name, first and last name, day and evening phone numbers, respective levels, club and if they are active. The COC can Manage user accounts for their own club by clicking Manage next to the Official o the COC can also Add a Deck Evaluation for an Official by clicking Add Deck Eval next to the Official name o Should you require a full listing the COC ROR can Download a spreadsheet of the specific club officials by clicking Download List…
Officials’ Profile To gain access to an Officials Profile you click on the Details Link, next to the name and the above page will appear for the individual official o the COC ROF can Update the Officials’ profile by clicking the Edit link below the Officials’ information at the top o The COC ROR can also see what clinics if any the official has registered for What clinics have been completed A listing of all entered Deck Evaluations The COC ROR can also enter new Deck Evaluations by clicking the Edit link next to the Deck Evaluation o There is also a Delete a Deck Evaluation command that can be used should the need be
New User Account Verification
• View new user accounts that have been created and are requiring verification by selecting the Administration menu and selecting New Accounts to be Approved
Approving/Disapproving new accounts
The COC will receive all relevant club official registration The role they have here is to approve the account and validating that this official is in deed part of their club This approval is managed from the main page toolbar under the Administration folder, pulldown menu o the COC has the ability to either Approve by clicking the check box or disapprove an account for access o Unlock a locked account if a user has attempted to log in three times without success will find themselves locked out The COC can unlock the account by clicking the Unlock User button (only visible if account is locked out – an account gets locked out when a user tries to log in with the wrong password too many times) You can then click on back to User list
New Account Approval From the New Accounts to be Approved
o Click the Approve link next to the Account to approve the Account if you know they are a legitimate member of your club o Click the Delete link next to the Account if it is not a legitimate account which will permanently delete the account
Still working on the Top Menu Bar and we are now moving to the Manage folder.
Note the pulldown menu that is displayed: Manage Courses Manage Clubs Create Account We will be covering these one at a time in the next few slides
Manage Courses Once you click on the Manage Courses pulldown menu this appears Note that all of the courses available are listed here you can select to Add a course should you click on Add the following slide will appear Nest to the course name you will find Edit and once you click on this your information will be captured.
Managing Courses The display requires you to enter a course name
You then click on Insert Note that you can cancel this and you return to previous page
Manage Club info From the Manage toolbar you go next to the Manager Club pulldown menu option You will find a alphabetical club listing of which you can click on Edit and you will Note at the bottom that there are three pages of clubs Also the add button is a feature to add new clubs
Creating a New Account From the Manage Toolbar click and the pulldown menu appears and the last folder is the Create New Account folder and here you get to enter the information required to gain access to the Swim Officials Registration as well as the Online clinics. User name and password (not to be shared) and your address to be remembered. For the Security Question you must also include the security answer. You can use a variety of topics but ensure that you only knows the answer and it should not be shared Click on Continue to proceed
“Help” folder Back to the OSOA Home page you will note as previously discussed the tab bar which has a folder entitled “Help”. The pulldown menu here is Official Help and this brings you to the document that can be printed to assist someone in registering.Click on it to view it’s content
When you click on the Help folder on the main toolbar this will bring you to the Officials Help page displayed which we already discussed early into our clinic.
“About” folder Back to the OSOA Home page you will note as previously discussed the tab bar which has a folder entitled “About”. Click on it to view it’s content
There are currently three folders that you can access here:
Swim Officials Registration Help Guide of which as previously discussed will assist you or anyone to register The other hyperlink is the Ontario Swim Officials Association Home folder Lastly should you experience any difficulties you can sent the these complications and this will generate an automatic which will be responded to you within 24 hours.
Ontario Swim Officials Association Home
The page displayed here comes up when one chooses the Ontario Swim Officials Association home page folder OSOA home brings you back to the Home page displayed at the bottom of this slide
TechSupport Tech Support is exactly what it means, should you have technical difficulties, logging in, or anything related to the site then you click here for assistance. Your will be answered within 24 hours.
Where do I find the Online Clinics?
The online clinics are located on the OSOA main page under the “Online Clinics” section. Click on the hyperlink (in bleu) and you will open up the main page where the clinics reside.
Accessing the clinics Once you clicked on the OnLine hyperlink you land on this page Please note that you must register as an officials and have COC approval prior to being able to access these clinics. It is the same user name and password for both sites. Note that on the Top Right side of the page that you are not logged in . Click on the (Login) hyperlink to get started.
Learning Centre Login You use the same user name and password you registered with Please enable your cookies within your web browser You click on lock in to proceed
Obtain Enrollment Keys
To be able to access a clinic you must obtain the course enrolment key from your Club Officials’ Chairperson.
Clinic Keys Each clinic has a different key
no more than 3 keys at a time Completion results provided Record keeping established Sign off Certification cards Presentation of pins The COC provides the enrolment keys to the parents and keeps track of the participant’s results. Once the participant has completed the on-line clinic they can print their results and they will be sent to the COC for sign off and records update. The COC is also tasked with signoff the Certification card as clinic completed and passed.
Staffing a Meet Preparation During After Record keeping
When your club hosts a meet the COC plays a significant part in staffing the meets This is executed using the officials listings that you have access to from the registration site from those who have completed prior clinics and are now able to execute in those positions on deck for each and every session of the meet. The COC, ensures that the meet package has a request for out-of-town people/parents who are willing to work and what their qualification levels are, along with which session they are available to work at.
Chief Finish Judge Recorder/Scorer Referee Marshall Marshalling Area Assistant Chief Timer { Timers False Start Rope { Timers { Turn Judges Timers { Timers Backstroke Flags Backstroke Flags { Timers { Timers Clerk of Course Each session of meets requires as many as 30 up to possibly 50 officials for it’s success. If the meet is a double end meet then one requires twice the number of officials for each session. If the pool is 8 lanes then once again the number of officials required increases One must ensure that the club parents sign up for each session. Clubs require parents of swimmers to work X number of sessions of each home meet. In the meet package the COC must ensure that the meet manager includes a request for deck officials from visiting clubs to ensure ample volunteers are signed up for each session from start to finish. List should be kept current to ensure that all positions are signed up for at each and every sessions. A separate form for each session with accurate spelling of names for record keeping. At some meets one must get into the stands and request for more volunteers to ensure timely start of each session with appropriate officials in place. Chief Timer Starter Approximately officials needed on deck to run a meet, 6 &/or 8 lanes single ended meet per session Staffing a Meet
Staffing a Meet { { { { { { Runners Food Preparation Marshals
Chief Finish Judge Recorder/Scorer Referee Marshalling Area Assistant Chief Timer Marshall { Timers False Start Rope { Timers { Turn Judges Timers { Timers Backstroke Flags Backstroke Flags { Timers { Timers Runners Food Preparation Marshals Safety Marshals Meet Manager Clerk of Course This includes runners and food volunteers for each and every session. Chief Timer Starter Staffing a Meet
01/04/2017 Organizing Officials If necessary, ask for help in your meet package and have the clubs send their list of names / phone numbers / and qualifications along with their entries Divide responsibility between senior officials and local Officials Chairperson to arrange for officials In any event, have the majority of the positions filled before the start of the meet. Confirm status of officials’ assignments to regional sanction office 10 DAYS prior to meet Publish schedule and assignments as soon as it is finalized Your meet package should specify the number of officials you are requesting from each club that is attending your meet. It is recommended that you get assistance from a few individuals to help staff the meet and ensure that the work is divided up but that everyone is communicating. The enclosed form can be used as a starting document to track who will be assigned to what position for what session. Note: AM, PM &/or Finals columns this would be for one single end meet. On your Club’s website you can post the position assignments ahead and other parents and volunteers can see what is available for them to get assigned to. Your Meet Referee will organize and plan your deck for each and every session for Major Officials. You Minor Officials person will organize the timers and head lane timers acting as Stroke & Turns. 10 days prior to your meet, a listing of the Major Officials must be sent to your locate Regional Official Representative. 98 98
01/04/2017 Organizing Officials Arrange spare Timekeepers on call in case of sickness or no-shows. Organize the Officials Room with required supplies for that session Designate a person to greet and sign-in the officials as they arrive, direct them to the heat sheets and equipment needed for their position and answer any questions. All officials working a session must be recorded Have all positions posted in the Officials' Room. If there are openings for other sessions, officials can sign-up where they see the empty positions. A room is usually set aside for Officials. All the positions are posted by your Minor and Major Official chairpersons. Each official should check their name off on arrival. Someone can be assigned this task throughout the meet for each session and they can also assist in filing holes along the way. 99
Forms folder Back to the OSOA home page
Here you can click on the Forms folder and ...
Forms Landing Page This page is broken down into Four areas:
The first area is the Reference Material and Templates the PDF forms available are: DQ Wording DQ slip Deck Log The second part is the Evaluation and Certification forms: These are PDF &/or Word documents to print Referee’s Assessment , Personal Training Record (PYR) Starter’s Assessment Form Level IV Certification Level V Certification
Forms Landing Page The second part is the Evaluation and Certification forms: These are PDF &/or Word documents to print Referee’s Assessment , Personal Training Record (PYR) Starter’s Assessment Form Level IV Certification Level V Certification
Forms Landing Page The third part is the Travel and Training forms: These are PDF documents to print Level III, IV, V Training Program Application National Officials’ Committee Travel Expense Form
Forms Landing Page The last section is the Other Forms: These are PDF documents to print Swim Ontario Merchandise Order Form Swim Ontario Forms Catalogue
COC needs to be familiar with how “Up-The-Ladder” works!
Level I Level II Level III Level IV Level V The COC must have full knowledge of the “up-the-ladder” process and be able to explain it to the volunteer official’s for next step along the way is gaining deck experience and sign off.. They can assist and coach We will elaborate all levels in the next few slides.
Level I Attendance and successful completion of this clinic
01/04/2017 Level I Attendance and successful completion of this clinic 2 satisfactory deck evaluations Level I The Certification Process for the COC Level 1 Each swim season start up this it the opportune time to get the new families engaged from the get go by delivering a Level 1 clinic at the Orientation meeting as part of the get to know The following summarizes the requirements for completing each official’s level: LEVEL I: RED The clinic guides you in being a Timer, Marshal and a Safety Marshal. You must be at least 14 years of age in order to: • Participate in a SNC/OSOA approved clinic (Timekeeper/Marshal/Safety Marshal); • Answer the appropriate questionnaire. You will receive your Red pin and an Official’s Record Card (Deck Evaluation Card). You need to: • Obtain two separate deck evaluations for sessions worked as a Timer; • Keep this card to record other clinics and deck certifications as you progress as an official; • Gain experience on deck outside of your own pool; • The candidate’s club is responsible for purchase of Red Pin and card. The Club Officials Chair awards the Red Pin and card. Note: It is required that officials work a few sessions in any position before requesting evaluation for certification. Officials are allowed only one sign off per position per meet. Sign-offs in different positions are permitted in the same meet. 106
Level II Certified Level I
01/04/2017 Level II Certified Level I Completion of clinics and 2 deck evaluations in any 2 positions except Referee, one of which must be Strokes and Turns Clerk of Course Chief Timer Chief Finish Judge Chief Judge Electronics Recorder Scorer Stroke & Turn Judge and Head Lane Timer (2 signatures) Starter Meet Manager The Certification Process The following summarizes the requirements for completing each official’s level. You must be: • 16 years of age; • Certified at Level I. Then: • Attend clinics & answer questionnaires in strokes and turns & one other of the Level II/III positions listed; and • Have two (2) on-deck certifications for each of those two positions. Note: HEAD LANE TIMEKEEPER is included with STROKES AND TURNS; both count as one position. When complete: • Submit documentation to your Club Officials Chair. • The candidate’s club is responsible for the purchase of White Pin. The Club Officials Chair awards the White Pin. Level II 107
Level III Certified Level II
01/04/2017 Level III Certified Level II Completion of all clinics and 2 deck evaluations in any 3 remaining positions Referee can not be used until level lll has been attained Conduct a Level I clinic The Certification Process The following summarizes the requirements for completing each official’s level. LEVEL III: ORANGE Any official acting as a Referee during a session must have a minimum of Level III certification. You must be: • Certified at Level II. Then: • Attend all clinics and complete questionnaires for all of the positions listed under Level II; CONTROLLED DOCUMENT: copies in paper form are uncontrolled, and must be checked against on-line copy prior to use. APPROVED by OSOA Page 5 of 10 Last revised: The Personal Training Record (PTR) The PTR remains an integral part of the evaluation process for all Levels as a record of observation. It is not an evaluation form. It may be used, as specified, as often as the official wishes, in order to keep a record of his/her improvement in the position of Referee. It is also used in preparation for evaluation. An explanation of its use as such is included with the description of the requirements for Levels IV and V. The PTR form can be obtained by following this link: /Personal_Training_Record.pdf Note: The responsibility to obtain completed PTR’s lies with the candidate. These must be presented to the Regional Officials Representative with a copy of signed off certification card before an evaluation can take place. • Certify in three (3) additional positions listed under Level II by obtaining two (2) successful deck evaluations in each position; • Conduct one (1) clinic under the direction of a Level V official, or at the regional clinics; • Attend the Referee clinic and answer the questionnaire. When complete: • Submit documentation (including log of all meets worked) to and request meeting with your Regional Officials’ Representative (usually via your Club Officials Chair). • The Regional Officials’ Representative is responsible for confirming all Level 3 requirements have been met and awarding the Orange Pin. The candidate’s region provides Orange Pin. Note: The awarding of Level III to any official requires that the information of the clinics taken and the deck evaluations on the Officials Card be accepted by one of the RORs before Level III becomes official and the Level III pin and name tag are presented to the official. NB: It is required that an official moving up the ladder keep a log of all meets and positions worked over the years. Level III 108
Up the Ladder Levels IV and V Level V Level IV require … Level III
01/04/2017 Up the Ladder Level V Level IV Levels IV and V require … additional clinics intensive evaluation National Meet experience and much more. Level III Level II The Certification Process The following summarizes the requirements for completing each official’s level. LEVEL IV: GREEN A Level IV Official can be the Meet Referee for any Sanctioned Meet in Ontario. To become a Level IV Official you need to be successfully evaluated as a Referee. At the time of evaluation you must have: • Served one (1) year as a qualified Level III official, having worked a minimum of five (5) meet sessions as a referee; • During the period spent as a Level III official, have completed three (3) favourable PTRs in the position of Referee at three different meets, by three (3) different Master Officials; • Fully completed certification at all Level II / III positions; • Completed a Referee’s clinic within the previous 2 years; • Conducted at least two (2) clinics at level II within the previous year under the direction of a Level V official, or at regional clinics; • Attended a Regional Seminar / Clinic. In preparation: • Enlist the guidance of your Regional Officials Representative, and arrange to be reviewed as a referee, obtaining PTRs (a complete understanding of the PTR and its role in attaining Level IV is essential: see text box at right). • Notify the Regional Officials Representative of your desire for evaluation at Senior level, presenting the 3 required, completed PTRs in the position of Referee. Note: Regional Officials Representative may discuss with the candidate his/her readiness for evaluation; however, the final decision to be evaluated lies with the candidate. Arrangements for evaluation should be made through the Regional Officials Representative. CONTROLLED DOCUMENT: copies in paper form are uncontrolled, and must be checked against on-line copy prior to use. APPROVED by OSOA Page 6 of 10 Last revised: The Personal Training Record (PTR) The PTR remains an integral part of the evaluation process for all Levels as a record of observation. It is not an evaluation form. It may be used, as specified, as often as the official wishes, in order to keep a record of his/her improvement in the position of Referee. It is also used in preparation for evaluation. An explanation of its use as such is included with the description of the requirements for Levels IV and V. The PTR form can be obtained by following this link: /Personal_Training_Record.pdf Note: The responsibility to obtain completed PTR’s lies with the candidate. These must be presented to the Regional Officials Representative with a copy of signedoff certification card before an evaluation can take place. Evaluation at a pre-arranged meet includes: • Completion by the candidate of first two sections of the Senior Official Evaluation Form (web address below; candidate prints and takes to evaluation); • Evaluation by two Master Officials designated by OSOA, while working two sessions as Referee; • Attendance at a debriefing with the evaluators; • Submission of completed/signed Evaluation Form to the Regional Officials Representative, for OSOA approval; • The Regional Officials’ Representative is responsible for awarding the Green Pin. OSOA provides the Green Pin. Web address for form: Following successful evaluation Level IV, the candidate’s name may be placed on the list for future evaluation as Level V, ensuring appropriate practice sessions are provided at away from home meets. LEVEL V: BLUE This is the highest level within Canadian pin system. To become a Level V Official you need to be successfully evaluated as a Referee or Referee and Starter. • Served a minimum of one (1) year as a Senior official at SNC approved meets, officiating at a minimum of five (5) meets approved by the Regional Officials Representative, working three of the following positions: Referee, Starter, Chief Finish Judge or Chief Judge Electronics, Clerk of Course, Meet Manager; • During the period spent as a Level IV official, have completed three (3) favourable PTRs in the position of Referee at three different meets, by three (3) different Master Officials; one of the meets must be out of region. • Completed a Referee’s clinic within the previous 2 years; • Conducted at least two (2) clinics at level II; • Worked a minimum of two sessions at a National level meet. the PTR and its role in attaining Level V is essential: see text box at right). desire for evaluation at Master level, presenting the 3 • Completion by the candidate of first two sections of the Master Official Evaluation Form (web address below; candidate prints and takes to evaluation); • Evaluation by two Master Officials designated by OSOA, APPROVED by OSOA Page 7 of 10 Last revised: while working two sessions as Referee, or one session as a Referee and one session as a Starter. o Evaluators must include one out of region evaluator, and one OSOA board member (may be same person); • Submission of completed/signed Evaluation Form to the Regional Officials Representative. • The Regional Officials’ Representative is responsible for awarding the Blue Pin. OSOA provides the Blue Pin. NOTE: Level V (Master) status must be ratified/approved by the OSOA board, then by the NOC chair. NB: In order to remain on the active list, all Level 3 and 4 (Senior) and Level 5 (Master) officials must work a minimum of two sessions at two different meets, and conduct or participate in one officials’ clinic within each swimming year. Up the Level I 109
01/04/2017 Questionnaire Here are questions you must answer prior to the completion of this clinic. Please take all of the time you require to complete the questionnaire Remember! There may be one or more correct answers for each question. There are several questions to answer now that you have completed the clinic. Take as much time as you require to answer the questions. Once you have completed the questionnaire and have successfully completed the session, please print your results and document success on the club database. 110
01/04/2017 1. The role of COC is: a. Is capable of conducting & organizing officials’ clinics; b. Have interests in educating and the progression of people; c. Knows where to obtain the tools and materials to do the job; d. Has the keys to the on-line clinics and issues them accordingly; e. operate the automatic placing and timing system; f. Can staff a home meet with some assistance; g. Has access to the database of officials for the club; h. Able to provide ROR an officials’ list of club officials & levels; Answer is all but “e” 111
01/04/2017 2. Some of the responsibilities of the Club Official’s Chairperson are to: a. Clubs Development plan is in place and compliant; b. Ensure that the parents are able to officiate at home and away meets ; c. Has knowledge and can assist in the up-the-ladder process; d. ensure that the meet is staffed properly; e. Prepare and distribute the meet invitation; f. Has the pins and certification cards available; g. Is well connected with Regional Officials Representative; h. Can present clinics at home club; Answer is all but “e” 112
3. The on-line registration is for which level:
01/04/2017 3. The on-line registration is for which level: a. Level 1; b. Level 2; c. Level 3; d. Level 4; e. Level 5; f. FINA only; Answer is “a to e” – F is wrong answer 113
4. Which Clinics can I comple on-line?
01/04/2017 4. Which Clinics can I comple on-line? a. Level 1 Timekeeper & Safety Marshall; b. Level 2 Strokes & Turns; c. Level 2 Chief Timekeeper; d. Level 2 Chief Judge Electronics; e. Level 2 Chief Finishing Judge f. Referee and Starter; g. Level 2 Clerk of Course; h. Level 2 Recorder Scorer; i. Level 2 Meet Management; Answer is all but “f” Referee and Starter cannot be completed on-line. It must be classroom facilitator clinic and is hosted in Central region twice annually September/October and March. 114
01/04/2017 5. What is the mark to be obtained for a successful completion of the online clinics? a. 60% b. No mark; c. 90%; d. 50%; e. 75%; g. 80%; h. 100%; Answer is “g” 80% 115
Approved by the Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Board
Thank you. Now that you have completed this clinic, you are equipped the knowledge and tools to be a Great Club Official’s Chairperson Congratulations and thank you for taking on this important role for your club. Good Luck and job Well done! OSOA is very proud of your efforts and initiatives. Approved by the Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Board
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