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A nation Divides Chapter 16 Lesson 5.

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1 A nation Divides Chapter 16 Lesson 5

2 I. The Election of 1860 Democrats held their convention in SC, to pick a candidate for President. 1. Southerners wanted slavery supported in the territories 2. Northern Democrats refused 3. Party split. Northern Democrats chose Stephen Douglas to run and Southern Democrats chose John Breckinridge B. Republicans met in Chicago and nominated Abe Lincoln C. Constitutional Union party chose John Bell of TN. He was a moderate who wanted to keep the Union together

3 D. Douglas thought Lincoln would win
D. Douglas thought Lincoln would win. Urged Southerners to stay with the union no matter who won When the votes were counted Lincoln won. 1. votes were along sectional lines (Lincoln’s name wasn’t on the ballot in 10 southern states) 2. Lincoln won all Northern states Breckinridge won all of the South Bell won the border states Douglas only won Missouri and 3 of New Jersey’s electoral votes


5 II. South Reacts Southerners felt Lincoln’s election meant that the South no longer had a voice in Govt. and everyone was against their interests including slavery. (abolitionist) Before the election, Gov. of SC had written notes to the other governors saying that it was their duty to leave the Union if Lincoln won. Senator from KY proposed to the Senate to allow MO compromise line to extend all the way to the Pacific. (slavery south of the line) The bill received little support. Southerners felt like secession was their only choice

6 December 20, 1860-South Carolina became 1st state to secede
December 20, 1860-South Carolina became 1st state to secede. By February 1961, AL, FL, GA, LA, MS and TX had also seceded Most Southerners believed they had the right to secede “it is the right of the people to alter or abolish” govt. that denies the rights of the citizens (D of I) G. Montgomery, AL –the 7 states form the Confederate States of America with Jefferson Davis as Pres.

7 III. The civil War begins
Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, (warned that no state can lawfully get out of the Union) Jefferson Davis had ordered Confederate troops to seize control of federal forts in the South. Should Lincoln let it happen? If so, he admits that states can leave the Union. If he stops it, he could start a Civil War. By April, the South had control of PO, forts and federal buildings. The union had control of 3 including one at Fort Sumter, SC (guarded Charleston harbor)

8 E. Attack on Ft Sumter Lincoln learned supplies were running low and contacted the governor to let him know food would be shipped. No troops or weapons April 11, 1861-Confederacy demanded that the fort be surrendered to them. a. Union Commander refused to give in until he ran out of food or was ordered to by US govt. b. Confederate troops opened fire and on April 13 Union commander surrendered the fort 3. Many watched the attack from their roof top. Not Knowing it was the beginning of an ugly 4 year war

9 Fort Sumter

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