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What will you get on the test?

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Presentation on theme: "What will you get on the test?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What will you get on the test?
1st 9 Wks Study Guide Rvw What will you get on the test?

2 You need: Completed review guide Clean sheet of paper (for it) Writing instrument to fix errors Calculator to practice corrections

3 Caution: Some of the problem numbers have changed but the problems are still current!

4 You can view the videos at home but not at school 
Caution2: You can view the videos at home but not at school 

5 Order from least to greatest
Negatives Positives Video

6 1) 12, -45, -68, -90, 55, 34 Order your positives first 12 , 34 , 55 Order your Negatives next (closer to zero, larger the number) -90 , -68 , -45 Put it all together -90 , -68 , -45, 12 , 34 , 55

7 2) 33, 98, -23, 78, 46, -65 -65 , -23 , 33, , 78 46 , 98

8 Finding absolute value
Video Distance is always positive– So is absolute value!!!

9 11 6 20

10 Adding Subtracting Keep Flip Change Integer Rules Video
Same sign= add and keep Different sign= subtract Take sign of larger number Subtracting Keep Flip Change

11 Multiplying and Dividing
Integer Rules Video Multiplying and Dividing Same sign= Pos Different sign= Neg

12 = -9 -3 = -9 = -1 Different- Subtract Different- neg Different- neg K
+ -6 Same Add & keep Different- neg Different- neg = -9 = -1

13 = 5 -3 = 4 = 48 Same-pos Different- Subtract Same-pos K F C 4 + 1
Same Add & keep

14 = 0 =-5 = -12 = -2 Different- Subtract Different- neg Different- neg K
-9 + 9 Diff Sub Different- neg Different- neg = -12 = -2

15 Conversions

16 Fractions to decimals Video
50 3 10 5 Bottom into top 5 50 1 6 3 1 10 2 = 0.2 = 0.12 = 0.3 = 0.2 Terminator Terminator Repeater Terminator

17 Decimal to fraction in simplest form Read it Video
52 100 ÷4 ÷2 6 1000 52 hundredths 6 Thousandths 13 25 3 500 375 thousandths 32 100 ÷4 32 hundreths 8 25 347 1000

18 Got the hang of it?? Video T 0.12 12% 52% 13/25 347/1000 0.347 R 0.3…
33% 3/500 0.6% T 0.2 20% 12/25 0.48 8/25 32% T 0.2 20% Got the hang of it??

19 Adding and Subtracting Decimals Video

20 Multiplying Decimals Video

21 Dividing Decimals Video

22 Dividing Decimals

23 Different- Subtract F C K -51 + 81.623 62.82 -32.7 Diff Sub 81.623 51.000 30.12 30.623 30.12 30.623

24 -6.2 -8.302 88.66 4 33.208 0.13 -75 0.32 24 32 1.911 2400

25 Simplifying Fractions Video

26 4 10 18 24 ÷2 2 5 ÷6 3 4 18 30 25 30 ÷6 3 5 ÷5 5 6

27 25. Improper to mixed Video

28 11 3 11 / 3 = 3 r 2 2 3 9 4 9 / 4 = 2 r 1 1 4 2 25 7 25 / 7 = 3 r 4 4 7 3 11 6 11 /6 = 1 r 5 5 6 1

29 26. Mixed to improper

30 1 11 4 45 11 11 x = 45 3 7 24 7 7 x = 24 4 5 24 5 5 x = 24

31 Adding and Subtracting Fraction video video
Long video

32 1 4 3 12 5 8 25 40 -2 12 -1 6 -3 10 -12 40 Different- Subtract Different- Subtract 1 12 13 40

33 -8 15 -24 45 -1 6 -5 30 20 45 4 9 -7 15 -14 30 Different- Subtract Same- Add -4 45 -19 30

34 No really… Flip it…we’re getting ready to divide fractions …
Flip it!!!!! video No really… Flip it…we’re getting ready to divide fractions …

35 Multiplying Fractions Video Song

36 28. Dividing Fractions

37 1 2 4 4 7 -2 9 2 -18 7 2 x = 9 7 x = 18 2 Flip it -18 7 2 9 -4 7 -18 7 9 2 x ÷ 1 1 3 -4 5 6 -2 -13 3 -17 6 3 x = 13 6 x = 17 1 Flip it -17 6 -3 13 17 26 -17 6 -13 3 x ÷ 2

38 2 5 1 4 -2 12 5 -9 4 5 x = 12 4 x = 9 3 2 5 -5 -9 4 12 5 -27 5 x 1 1 2 -4 -4 1 3 2 2x1+1 = 3 -6 1 3 2 -4 1 -6 x 2 1

39 I need more help with _______________________
This is it! For full class work grade (100%) on review guide. Copy the sentence below, answer it, turn it in to me once you finish the power point! Don’t forget your name! I need more help with _______________________

40 4 15 -3 1 2 -4 -49 15 -9 2 15x3+4= 49 4 x = 9 3 7 10 14 -9 2 -49 15 147 10 x 5

41 Flip it Properties Video 7(35) = 7(30) + 7(5) 64 ● 1 or 64 + 0 9 2 2 9
= Commutative #s Move (4 ● 9) ● 25 = 4 ● (9 ● 25 ) Associative Grouping Changed 64 ● 1 or Identity 7(35) = 7(30) + 7(5) Breaking apart Distributive 9 2 Flip it 2 9 Reciprocal

42 Translating Video n -6 The product of 5 and a number, decreased by 6 The quotient of a number and 7 14 less than a number 5n - 6 ÷ K k ÷ 7 ??? - 14 m – 14

43 ??? - 20 3n 20 less than three times a number Five times the sum of a number and 30 3n - 20 5 (????) t + 30 5 (t + 30)

44 Congrats!! You are finished and ready to test!
Give it to your teacher!

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