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Simon Hairsnape Chair – Burghill Parish Council

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1 Simon Hairsnape Chair – Burghill Parish Council
2019 Annual Parish Meeting Simon Hairsnape Chair – Burghill Parish Council

2 Annual Parish Meeting Welcome
A meeting of the Parish, not the Parish Council! Trying to do something a bit different this year An opportunity to meet and discuss issues of interest To hear from some local organisations about the work they do To put forward ideas To receive a report from the Parish Council

3 Agenda

4 Burghill Parish Council
Elections on 2nd May 2019 Burghill, Tillington, Tillington Common, Portway, Elton’s Marsh, St Marys Park 1,600 people (1,250 registered electors), 690 houses. First tier of local Government (Herefordshire Council) Formed by the Local Government Act 1894 to take over local oversight of civic duties There over 10,000 local councils in England and Wales, Local councils are made up of locally elected councillors (volunteers) We have 15 Councillors, all elected every four years (co-opted) Supported by our Clerk - Paulette Funded through and annual precept (tax) Annual budget is about £21,000

5 Budget for 2019/20 Herefordshire Council 4.9%
West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner 9.9% Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority 3.0% Burghill Parish Council (-0.8)%

6 What can a Parish Council do?
Allotments Burial Grounds, Cemeteries, Churchyards and Crematoria Bus Shelters Bye-laws – the power to make bye-laws concerning: baths and washhouses (swimming pools), cycle parks, mortuaries and pleasure grounds Clocks – public clocks can be provided and must be maintained Community Centres, Conference Centres, Halls, Public Buildings Drainage – of ditches and ponds Entertainment and the Arts Highways – lighting, parking places, traffic signs and other notices, tree planting and verge maintenance Litter - provision of litter-bins and support for any anti-litter campaigns Planning

7 What Can A Parish Council do?
Public conveniences – provision and maintenance of public toilets Recreation – provision of recreation grounds, public walkways, open spaces, village greens, gymnasiums, playing fields and boating ponds Rights of Way – footpath and bridleway maintenance Public Seating Signs – danger signs, place names and bus stops signs Tourism – financial contributions to any local tourist organisations allowed Traffic Calming War Memorials Water Supply – power to utilise stream, well or spring water and to provide facilities for general use Finally, General Spending – parish councils can spend a limited amount of money on anything they deem of benefit to the community

8 What do we do? We meet monthly (10 times a year)
Our meetings are always in public and we encourage participation We have been finalizing our Neighbourhood Plan - now agreed We comment on all Planning Applications We are actively involved in: Looking after our Footpaths Maintaining our Commons and Trees Grants to Local Organisations Traffic Management Our website We respond to consultation such as the Transport Plan and the Minerals and Waste Local Plan We involve ourselves with resolving local issues of concern We manage our small budget

9 Our Aim We try and listen to local concerns We try to act accordingly
We work in partnership with other local organisations We do our best to represent our local community We live in a wonderful area of the Country and hopefully, in a small way, we make a difference

10 Thanks My thanks to our councilors who give their time generously
My thanks to Pauline Crockett, our ward councilor for her support My thanks to our Parish Clerk – Paulette for her able support Note – elections 2nd May 2019

11 Thank You Any Questions Close of Annual Parish Meeting

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