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Conditioning and Storing Cut Flowers and Greens

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1 Conditioning and Storing Cut Flowers and Greens
Chapter 5 Unit 5

2 Essential Questions What is the proper way to cut flowers?
What are the causes of flower deterioration? What is the proper stem treatment for flowers?

3 Introduction Quality of the flowers will determine the amount of customers to the store. Chain of Life Program: Includes Growers, Shippers, Wholesalers , and Retail Florist. Developed by the Society of American Florist Developed a plan to lengthen the life of the flowers.

4 Common Reasons for Early Flower Deterioration
Water and Refrigeration are common requirements for proper storage. (5) Reasons for flower damage Next 5 slides:

5 Low Water Absorption #1 Stems are blocked when they arrive at business. Blocked stems are caused by: Dull Shears. Stem Tubes or Xylem are blocked. Xylem: Carry water in the stem. Air, Bacteria, or Minerals in the water can block the stem.

6 Loss of Water #2 Transpiration: Loss of water through their leaves.
Stomata: Tiny openings on the bottom side of the leaf.

7 Loss of Food #3 Plants that have been cut still are using sunlight to make food. Photosynthesis: Plant process to make food.

8 Disease #4 Botrytis: Fungus on the leaf. Brown spots on petals.
Caused By: Dirty Cooler Petals get wet

9 Ethylene Gas #5 Natural gas found in flowers that slows growth.
Caused By: 1. Dirty Cooler 2. Fruit in Cooler Petals cup upward (Sleepiness)

10 Water Quality and Flower Deterioration
Hydration: Keeps cut flowers fresh. Hydration is improved by water quality by: Proper Ph. Or Total Dissolved Solids Ph: Scale of 0-14 (7=Neutral, Below 7=Acidic, Above 7=Alkaline) TDS: Measure of Salt and Minerals in the water.

11 Conditioning Flowers Conditioning: Treating flowers to extend flower life. Next 7 Slides

12 Unpack Flowers #1 Remove: Plastic Rubber Bands
Check flowers for damage

13 Recut the Stems #2 Use sharp knife and cut stems under water.
Cut stems on a slant. Succulent: Soft part of the stem.

14 Remove Lower Foliage #3 Remove foliage that are under water.
Use hands to remove leaves.

15 Clean Containers and Cooler #4
Use hot water and bleach. Rinse containers 10% bleach solution to clean containers.

16 Use a Preservative #5 Place a warm preservative in the water before flowers are placed in the water. Temp: deg. Provides a food source.

17 Allows flowers to absorb water #6
Cut flowers should stay in warm water preservative for 1-2 hours

18 Refrigerate #7 Average Temp: 36-40 Deg. Keep coolers: Clean regularly
Good air flow

19 Antitranspirants Prevent browning of the petals and retard deterioration of the flower.

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