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Who Owns the Media 6th Grade.

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1 Who Owns the Media 6th Grade

2 Bellwork What is pop culture?

3 Objectives Understand who owns the media in the United States
Understand how the corporate media system works Understand the arguments that some people make in favor of the corporate media system Understand why some people are against the corporate media system

4 Who’s in Charge? General Electric – Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures
News Corp – Fox, Wall Street Journal, New York Post Disney – ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios Viamcom – MTV, Nick Jr., BET, CMT, Paramount Pictures Time Warner – CNN, HBO, Time, Warner Bros. CBS – Showtime,, Smithsonian Channel

5 Development of Corp Media
Early America – no corp media system, 1000’s of individuals and small organizations created newspaper and newsletter Newspapers – during the 1800’s, newspapers became big business in the U.S.

6 Radio Radio came on the scene in the 1920’s and became hugely popular. There 2 main types of progammers Independent Programmers – small radio stations geared toward specific audience Corporate Programmers – created entertainment and news programming geared toward a general audience

7 Radio Regulation In 1927, the Federal Radio Act created the Federal Radio Commission to make sure that radio operated under PICON – “public, interest, convenience, or necessity” In 1934, the FCR was disbanded and the Federal Communication Commission was created

8 Deregulating the Media
Under Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s, the media was heavily deregulated, meaning rules imposed by the FCC were lifted. One of the these rules was how many stations one company could own.

9 How the Corporate Media System Works
It exists to make $$money$$! Advertisements make the money. Eyeball to advertisers principle. Media are not really in the media to sell TV shows, magazine articles, and so forth. They are in the business of selling eyeballs of as many viewers as possible to advertisers.

10 Arguments in Favor of the Corporate Media System
The “No Government” argument It’s better than government control (where censorship could occur). The “Democracy” Argument People who use the media vote with their eyeballs. If no one is watching, then it will go away. The “Quality Programming” Argument The “eyeball to advertiser” system can act as a quality assurance system.

11 Arguments in Favor of the Corporate Media System
The “New Media Outlets” Argument Thanks to the internet, more small companies and individuals have a voice.

12 Arguments Against the Corporate Media System
The “Conflict of Interest” Argument The purpose of the media is to keep powerful people in check, but if powerful people own the media, who is keeping them in check? The “Rich Media, Poor Democracy” Argument One of the important functions of media is investigative journalism, and that isn’t cheap.

13 Arguments Against the Corporate Media System
The “Market Censorship” Argument When ideas don’t get much media coverage exclusively because these ideas don’t sell. The “Lack of Programming” Argument Because media is all about making money, sometimes media outlets are hesitant to taking risks on innovative ideas.

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