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Economics Klein Oak High School

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1 Economics Klein Oak High School
Monetarism Economics Klein Oak High School

2 Basic Assumption “quantity theory of money”
based on equation of exchange MV = PQ M = money stock V = monetary velocity P = price level Q = quantity of goods (real GDP)

3 Other Assumptions Velocity (V) is constant Money is neutral
or changes in predictable ways Money is neutral Changing M doesn’t change Q.

4 Conclusion Changing M changes P

5 Policy Goal price stability because instability causes uncertainty
recession and inflation

6 Policy Recommendation
M should increase at constant rate enough to allow growth in economy need enough new dollars to buy increased supply of goods Generally, M should grow at about 3-4% per year.

7 Criticisms V isn’t constant M can change Q
Keeping M constant causes fluctuations in interest rates because the supply of money is half of what determines interest rates It’s hard to measure M

8 Conclusions Dramatic changes in M can cause instability
post WWI Germany Control of M does tend to stabilize prices in the long run

9 “Gold Bugs” a.k.a. hard money advocates
believe the money supply should be tied to the supply of gold FED Chairman Alan Greenspan price of gold is a reliable measure of M times V If the price of gold is rising, we should slow monetary growth.

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