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EQ: Why are species where they are?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: Why are species where they are?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: Why are species where they are?
G2 Biomes EQ: Why are species where they are?

2 Biomes versus Biospheres
Biosphere = all parts of the earth where organisms live Biome = divisions of a biosphere

3 Biomes mini presentation
Major biomes: desert, grassland, shrubland, temperate deciduous forest, tropical forest, tundra Find the: Location Temperature (average in degree C in summer/winter) Moisture (annual precipitation (cm/year)) Characteristics of vegetation and animals Environmental challenges facing the biome Have visuals to aid your presentation! On FRIDAY

4 EQ: Why are species where they are?
G2 Biomes EQ: Why are species where they are? TODAY: In your blog: what are some things that you like about the class? What are some things that you would like to see/do more? This week’s feedback distributer: Maria C.

5 Biomes mini presentation
Major biomes: desert, grassland, shrubland, temperate deciduous forest, tropical forest, tundra Find the: Location Temperature (average in degree C in summer/winter) Moisture (annual precipitation (cm/year)) Characteristics of vegetation and animals Environmental challenges facing the biome Have visuals to aid your presentation! TODAY?

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