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5 Getting Help for Mental Health Conditions. 5 Getting Help for Mental Health Conditions.

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2 5 Getting Help for Mental Health Conditions

3 5

4 Essential Question Why is getting help for mental health conditions so important?

5 Recognizing Mental Health Conditions
5.1 Recognizing Mental Health Conditions

6 Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, you will be able to
identify the different types of mental health conditions. describe anxiety disorders. (continued)

7 Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, you will be able to
differentiate between mood disorders and personality disorders. explain possible causes of mental health conditions.

8 Mental Health Conditions
A mental illness is a mental or emotional condition so severe that it interferes with daily functioning Also called a mental disorder Tam Patra/

9 Mental Health Conditions

10 Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders-Condition in which someone responds with extreme or unrealistic fear and dread to certain situations, experiences, or objects Disrupts the person’s way of life Includes generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias (continued)

11 Generalized anxiety disorder Social anxiety disorder
People feel anxious about parts of their lives that they cannot control Includes physical symptoms like irritability and difficulty concentrating Social anxiety disorder People feel anxious or afraid of social situations in which they might be judged Worried about being embarrassed or rejected, people avoid social situations (continued)

12 Infographic Discussion
What situations, in person or online, could be difficult for a person with social anxiety?

13 Anxiety Disorders Other types of anxiety disorders include
panic disorders, in which a person experiences panic attacks phobias, in which a person fears objects or situations that do not pose much, if any, danger kamnuan/

14 Anxiety Disorders

15 ADHD Possible symptoms
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - Condition in which a person has difficulty paying attention and controlling behavior Possible symptoms Difficulty focusing, sitting still, or waiting Difficulty organizing and completing tasks Difficulty listening to and following instructions Talking nonstop or blurting out inappropriate comments without awareness of the impact on others imtmphoto/

16 OCD and PTSD Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Constant and obsessive thoughts or feelings Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Extreme stress or fear, flashbacks, outbursts, nightmares, or insomnia after a terrifying event

17 Mood Disorders Depression Bipolar disorder Self-harm
Intense, negative feelings that do not go away Includes major depression- Condition identified by intense negative feelings that do not go away and negatively affect daily life; also known as clinical depression and seasonal affective disorder Depression Condition identified by periods of intense depression that alternate with periods of manic moods Bipolar disorder Hurting oneself on purpose; can include cutting, burning, pinching, bruising, and breaking bones Self-harm

18 Mood Disorders

19 Personality Disorders
Antisocial personality disorder- Condition identified by ignoring social rules and engaging in impulsive behavior Engage in impulsive and often hostile and aggressive behavior toward others Do not show guilt or remorse if they hurt another person Borderline personality disorder (BPD) Condition identified by unstable identity and interpersonal relationships

20 Can also include hallucinations and paranoia
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia- Condition identified by irregular thoughts and delusions, hearing voices, and seeing things that are not there Typical symptoms include irregular thoughts, delusions, and false beliefs Can also include hallucinations and paranoia May show inappropriate emotional reactions, such as laughing when hearing someone has died

21 What Causes Mental Health Conditions?
Factors include family history life experiences brain injuries environment during pregnancy unhealthy thought patterns Rocketclips, Inc./

22 Lesson Review What type of mental health condition includes panic disorders and phobias? anxiety disorders Zola experiences constant thoughts about germs and washes her hands multiple times a day. These are symptoms of _____. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (continued)

23 Lesson Review Which type of disorder involves consistent patterns of inappropriate behavior? personality disorders True or false? Brain injuries can increase the risk of developing certain mental health conditions. true

24 Treatment for Mental Health Conditions
5.2 Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

25 Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, you will be able to
describe treatment options for mental health conditions. compare different types of therapy. (continued)

26 Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, you will be able to
summarize barriers to seeking help for mental health conditions. recognize how to help a loved one who has a mental health condition.

27 Therapy A therapist is a professional who diagnoses and treats people with mental health conditions Includes professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors (continued)

28 Therapy Individual therapy Family therapy Support groups
One-on-one meeting with a therapist to discuss feelings and behaviors Confidential unless the patient might harm himself or herself, or another person Family therapy Family meets with a therapist to support a member with a mental disorder Helps build positive, healthy relationships Support groups Therapist meets with a group of people who share a common problem Therapist shares strategies for managing this issue

29 Medication Medications can treat specific disorders
Depression treated with antidepressants- Medications that treat depression by making certain chemicals in the brain more available ADHD treated with stimulants Anxiety disorders treated with sedatives Schizophrenia treated with antipsychotics- Medications that manage the symptoms of schizophrenia Bipolar disorder treated with lithium

30 Health Alert! Most medications have side effects
Possible Side Effects Drowsiness Dizziness and nausea Restlessness Weight gain Suicidal thoughts Hallucinations Heart attack or stroke New or worsening mental health condition Most medications have side effects Doctors should regularly monitor patients on medications

31 Inpatient Treatment Inpatient treatment- Type of treatment that involves staying in a healthcare facility for a period of time -is necessary when people are at risk of harming themselves or others Requires care in a clinic or hospital People receive around-the-clock supervision, medication, and therapy

32 Think About It… Less than 20% of young people with mental health conditions get the treatment they need. What do you think prevents people from getting treatment?

33 Barriers to Seeking Help
Social stigma attached to mental health conditions Mark of shame or embarrassment that is usually unfair May result from a lack of understanding May cause people to deny they have a problem or refuse to seek treatment (continued)

34 Barriers to Seeking Help
Cost of treatment Some people may fear they will be unable to afford treatment for their conditions A person’s health insurance may cover a portion of the expenses Some clinics may also provide treatment at little or no cost

35 Skills Check Helping a loved one with a mental health condition
Be open and honest about your concerns Let them know that you are available to talk or help Offer to find or talk to a mental health professional with them Be patient for them to become ready for help

36 Helping a Loved One

37 Helping a Loved One Sometimes a loved one is not interested in seeking help Accept that you cannot solve that person’s problem You must intervene, however, if you suspect someone may self-harm Take someone to a hospital or call 911 if you suspect he or she is suicidal

38 Lesson Review Which type of therapy involves a one-on-one meeting with a therapist? individual therapy Symptoms of depression can be reduced or eliminated by taking _____. antidepressants (continued)

39 Lesson Review Jordan will not treat his depression because he is afraid people will call him crazy. This is an example of a(n) _____. social stigma What should you do if you suspect someone is suicidal? call 911 or take the person to a hospital

40 5.3 Preventing Suicide

41 Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, you will be able to
identify risk factors of suicide. recognize signs that someone may be at risk of attempting suicide. identify ways to respond to warning signs of suicide. (continued)

42 Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, you will be able to
explain how treating mental health conditions helps prevent suicide. describe how suicide affects other people in the victim’s life.

43 Suicide When a person takes his or her own life, this is called suicide- Act of taking one’s own life Recognizing risk factors of suicide can help get people the help they need A previous suicide attempt is a major risk factor for suicidal behavior

44 Risk Factors of Suicide
Mental health conditions People who experience overwhelming sadness or negative thoughts may consider suicide Many seek treatment instead and never attempt suicide (continued)

45 Risk Factors of Suicide
Family factors Family history of depression or suicide Difficult relationships among family members Abuse, neglect, or substance abuse within family (continued)

46 Risk Factors of Suicide
Environmental factors Long-term environmental stressors, such as abuse and neglect Victims of bullying are at greater risk of considering and attempting suicide Suicide contagion- Term that describes the copying of suicide attempts after exposure to another person’s suicide -or suicide clusters- Series of suicides in a particular community that occur in relatively short period of time -also increase the risk

47 Infographic Discussion
What should you do if you recognize these warning signs in someone you know?

48 Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Health Alert! If you or someone you know is considering suicide, get immediate help Suicide Prevention Hotlines National Emergency Number Call (and text in certain areas) 911 National Suicide Prevention Hotline Call or chat online Crisis Text Hotline Text 741741 Hope Line Chat online or

49 Underlying Health Conditions
The most common cause of suicide is untreated depression Treatment for health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and others, can reduce sadness and negative thoughts This usually means people will no longer consider suicide

50 Help for Survivors People who lose a loved one to suicide are called survivors Often feel anger, guilt, grief, and shame Support groups and therapy are often helpful for survivors Be patient if they do not want to talk right away, and listen when they are ready

51 Help for Survivors

52 Lesson Review A series of suicides or suicide attempts in a short time in one community or group is called a(n) _____. suicide cluster True or false? Changes in eating and sleeping habits can be a warning sign of suicide. true (continued)

53 Lesson Review What is the National Emergency Number for suicide prevention? 911 Josefina lost her cousin to suicide last year. She now goes to a support group for _____ to help with her grief. survivors

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