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6.6 Trapezoids Quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of parallel sides called bases. Base Leg Base Angles.

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Presentation on theme: "6.6 Trapezoids Quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of parallel sides called bases. Base Leg Base Angles."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.6 Trapezoids Quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of parallel sides called bases. Base Leg Base Angles

2 Isosceles Trapezoid Theorem 6.18: Each pair of base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are . Both legs are . Theorem 6.19: The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.

3 Trapezoid Median: Segment that joins the midpoints of the legs of the trapezoid. Theorem 6.20: The median is parallel to the bases and is ½ the sum of the bases. Median = ½ (b1 + b2)

4 Given trapezoid ABCD with median EF, find the value of x.
21 E F 5x - 2 D C Answer: x = 5

5 Try These – pages 359-360 #2-6 Answers 2. Trapezoid, parallelograms
3. RS || QT, QR not || ST, QRST is a trapezoid. 4. Isosceles, QR = 20, ST = 20 5. 4 6. mE = 56, mF = 56, mG = 124, mH = 124

6 Assigment #42 Homework #42 p odd, 34, 35

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