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Silencing Indigenous voice

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1 Silencing Indigenous voice
Dr Melitta Hogarth University of Southern Queensland

2 The context “For the last quarter century, […], we’ve seen seminal reports which have repeatedly emphasised that our people need to have a genuine say in our lives and decisions that affect our peoples and communities” (National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, 2016, p. 5)

3 Contradictory discourses
“invariably the nature, and consequently the outcome, of [the] education [provided is] constructed through and measured by non- Indigenous standards, values and philosophies. [Therefore,] the purpose of this education has been to assimilate Indigenous peoples into non- Indigenous cultures and societies” Morgan et al., 2006, p. 231)

4 Contradictory discourses
“as a nation we will walk side by side with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the journey of recognitions and reconciliation, to build a promising future for all” (Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, 2016, p. 4)

5 Classroom teacher Vs Community member Role model Liaison/Mediator
My story Classroom teacher Vs Community member Role model Liaison/Mediator

6 Flip the system Transformation; need for change Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples need to be more assertive We need to base our actions in the international charters and human rights conventions We need to privilege our agency – our children; our future is dependent on it

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