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Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences

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1 Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences
Psychology Mrs. Deming

2 Theory IQ should not be measured as an absolute figure like height, weight, or blood pressure. Crucial blunder to assume that IQ is a single fixed identity which can be measured by a pen and pencil test.

3 Theory “It’s not how smart you are but how you are smart.”
8 different “intelligences”

4 Intelligences Linguistic = ability to read, write, and communicate with words. Logical-mathematical = ability to reason and calculate, think things through in a logical, systematic manner.

5 Intelligences Visual-Spatial = ability to think in pictures, visualize a future result, imagine things in your mind’s eye. Musical = ability to make or compose music, sing well, appreciate music, keep rhythm.

6 Intelligences Bodily-Kinesthetic = ability to use your body to skillfully solve problems, create products or present ideas and emotions—athletics, dancing, construction Interpersonal (Social) = ability to work effectively with others, relate to other people, display empathy

7 Intelligences Intrapersonal = self-analysis, reflection, review one’s innermost feelings, the capacity to know oneself. Naturalist = ability to recognize flora and fauna, make distinctions in the natural world—hunting, farming, biological science.

8 Traditional Schooling
Focuses on two intelligences—linguistic and logical-mathematical. IQ test measures ability with words and numbers Students with these two intelligences do fairly well at school due to the way material is taught (lecture) and textbooks. Teachers tend to be drawn from people who do well in school—self-perpetuating system.

9 Gardner’s Perspective
It is when you marshal all of your intelligences that you really begin to use your full brain power. “Why is it that people with IQ’s of 160 end up working for people with IQ’s of 100?”

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