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Belgium passes law extending euthanasia to children of all ages

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1 Belgium passes law extending euthanasia to children of all ages
Agree? Disagree?

2 “Belgian children ‘right’ to die”
Can sanction it where children have a terminal and incurable illness, are near death, and suffering "constant and unbearable physical" pain, and where parents and professionals agree to the choice. The decision to proceed with each proposal of euthanasia will also have be agreed by a treating physician and an outsider brought in to give a second opinion. Children will have to be interviewed by a paediatric psychiatrist or psychologist, who must determine that the child possesses "the capacity of discernment", and then certify that in writing.

3 Euthanasia Agenda – Key Terms and Concepts on Euthanasia including some concepts…content heavy but crucial Eu (Good) Thanatos (Death)

4 Key Terms 1 – You will be given one of the following headings, please note down a definition or a couple of sentence explanation 2 – Speed Dating – share, chat, explain and add to an info page (graffiti/notes/mindmap Ext – Highlight key terms

5 Topics Active and Passive Voluntary Non-voluntary
Sanctity of Life defined Sanctity of Life applied Sanctity of Life (Dworkin) Quality of Life Rom Houben Hippocratic Oath Right to Life Slippery Slope argument Age Concern Concerns John Locke and Liberty PVS and Personhood (Mayled) Suicide (Mayled) James Rachels (Mayled)

6 Euthanasia and Utilitarianism
What might some utilitarians say about euthanasia and why? (Try using some of the key terms) Plenary and starter

7 Starter Mini-whiteboards reminder

8 Euthanasia and Utilitarianism
Agenda Remind ourselves of key definitions Consider the application of utilitarianism

9 Task Using p , key notes on utilitarianism applied. Use handout for suggested sub-headings Note – If you have done these already, wider reading addition OR – clearer in Mayled textbook p

10 Essay Reflection MWBs – note down three areas that you anticipate you will be given to improve

11 PA and Plan Mock Papers back Exam reminder and general feedback
Personal Reflection Peer Advice – speak to someone ask them to read a bit of yours and give you some advice as to how to improve

12 PA Feedback Wider Reading Answering the Question Tighter structure
Link don’t list 25 marks detail 10 marks less 10 marks balanced, use scholars and conclude Intro should hint at conclusion Use what we have studied not just a random ramble

13 Utilitarianism and Euthanasia
One page A4 detailed structured plan to bring together util. and euth. Studies. Use p160 for guidance. Option to work in pairs A) Explain how Utilitarianism might be applied to euthanasia. B) Bentham’s utilitarianism is not useful for addressing the problem of euthanasia

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