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Figure 10.10 Allergic rhinitis. 1.

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1 Figure 10.10 Allergic rhinitis. 1

2 Allergic Rhinitis Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of allergic rhinitis. Back to Directory

3 Audio Pronunciations Anaphylaxis Anemia Anisocytosis Antibody anis/o
= unequal cyt = cell -osis = condition

4 Symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Figure 10.11 Symptoms of anaphylaxis.

5 Anaphylaxis Animation
Click on the screenshot to view an animation on the topic of anaphylaxis. Back to Directory

6 Click on the screenshot to view an animation showing the EpiPen.
EpiPen Animation 1 Click on the screenshot to view an animation showing the EpiPen. Back to Directory

7 Click on the screenshot to view an animation showing the EpiPen.
EpiPen Animation 2 Click on the screenshot to view an animation showing the EpiPen. Back to Directory

8 Figure 10.12 Normal red blood cells. (Source: Dr. Gopal Murti/Science Photo Library/Custom Medical Stock Photo, Inc.)

9 Figure 10.13 Iron deficiency anemia blood cells. (Source: Oliver Meckes & Nicole Ottawa/Photo Researchers, Inc.)

10 Figure 10.14 Sickle cell anemia. The clinical manifestations of sickle cell anemia result from pathologic changes to structures and systems throughout the body.

11 Figure (continued) Sickle cell anemia. The clinical manifestations of sickle cell anemia result from pathologic changes to structures and systems throughout the body. 11

12 Click on the screenshot to view an animation showing sickle cells.
Sickle Cell Animation Click on the screenshot to view an animation showing sickle cells. Back to Directory

13 Sickle Cell Anemia Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of sickle cell anemia. Back to Directory

14 Audio Pronunciations Anticoagulant Antigen Autoimmune disease

15 Life Span Considerations
Incidence of autoimmune diseases increases with aging, most likely due to a decreased ability of antibodies to differentiate between self and nonself. Failure of immune response system to recognize mutant, or abnormal, cells could be reason for high incidence of cancer associated with increasing age.

16 Audio Pronunciations Basophil Blood Coagulable Corpuscle Creatinemia

17 Blood Test Basics Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of blood test basics. Back to Directory

18 Audio Pronunciations Embolus Eosinophil Erythroblast Erythrocyte
= red -cyte = cell

19 Audio Pronunciations Erythrocytosis Erythropoiesis Erythropoietin
Extravasation Fibrin

20 Audio Pronunciations Fibrinogen Globulin Granulocyte Hematocrit

21 Audio Pronunciations Hematologist Hematology Hematoma Hemochromatosis

22 Traumatic hematoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.15 Traumatic hematoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

23 Audio Pronunciations Hemoglobin Hemolysis Hemophilia Hemorrhage hem/o
= blood -rrhage = bursting forth

24 Hemorrhage, vein. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.16 Hemorrhage, vein. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

25 Audio Pronunciations Hemostasis Heparin Hypercalcemia Hyperglycemia

26 Basic steps in hemostasis.
Figure 10.17 Basic steps in hemostasis.

27 Audio Pronunciations Hyperlipidemia Hypoglycemia Hypoxia

28 Audio Pronunciations Kaposi’s sarcoma Leukapheresis Leukemia Leukocyte

29 Kaposi’s sarcoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.18 Kaposi’s sarcoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

30 (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.19 Lymphangitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

31 Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of leukemia.
Leukemia Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of leukemia. Back to Directory

32 Audio Pronunciations Leukocytopenia Lymph Lymphadenitis Lymphadenotomy

33 Audio Pronunciations Lymphangiology Lymphangitis Lymphedema Lymphoma

34 Chronic lymphedema. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.20 Chronic lymphedema. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD) 34

35 Lymphoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.21 Lymphoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

36 Cutaneous T cell lymphoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.22 Cutaneous T cell lymphoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

37 Audio Pronunciations Lymphostasis Macrocyte Monocyte Mononucleosis

38 Figure 10.23 Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein–Barr virus. Symptoms of the infectious disease are swollen palatine tonsils (pharyngitis), swollen cervical lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), high fever, and a blood sample that shows atypical lymphocytes. 38

39 Audio Pronunciations Neutrophil Opportunistic infection Pancytopenia
Phagocytosis pan- = all cyt/o = cell -penia = lack of

40 Audio Pronunciations Plasma Plasmapheresis Pneumocystis carinii
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

41 Audio Pronunciations Polycythemia Prothrombin Radioimmunoassay
Reticulocyte Retrovirus 41

42 Audio Pronunciations Septicemia Seroculture Serum Sideropenia

43 Audio Pronunciations Splenomegaly Stem cell Thalassemia Thrombectomy
= clot -ectomy = surgical excision

44 Audio Pronunciations Thrombin Thrombocyte Thromboplastin Thrombosis

45 Figure 10.24 Common locations of venous thrombosis. (A) The most common sites of deep vein thrombosis. (B) DVT extending from the calf to the iliac veins. (C) superficial venous thrombosis.

46 Audio Pronunciations Thymoma Tonsillectomy Transfusion Vasculitis

47 Vasculitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)
Figure 10.25 Vasculitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, MD)

48 Drug Highlights Anticoagulants Hemostatic Agents
Antianemic Agents (Irons) Epoetin Alfa (EPO, Procrit) Other Agents

49 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Blood test to identify antigen-antibody reactions. Bleeding Time Puncture of the ear lobe (Duke method – 1–3 minutes normal bleeding time) or forearm (Ivy method – 1–9 minutes is normal bleeding time) to determine the time required for blood to stop flowing.

50 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Blood Typing (ABO groups and Rh factor) Blood test to determine an individual’s blood type and Rh factor. Bone Marrow Aspiration Removal of bone marrow for examination.

51 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
CD4 Cell Count Most widely used serum blood test to monitor the progress of AIDS. Complete Blood Count (CBC) Blood test that includes a hematocrit, hemoglobin, red and white blood cell count, and differential. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Most widely used screening test for HIV.

52 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Hematocrit (Hct, HCT) Blood test performed on whole blood to determine the percentage of RBCs in the total blood volume. Hemoglobin (Hb, Hgb, HGB) Blood test to determine the amount of iron-containing pigment of the red blood cells.

53 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Immunoglobulins (Ig) Serum blood test to determine the presence of IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and/or IgM. Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) Test performed on blood plasma to determine how long it takes for fibrin clots to form.

54 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Platelet Count Test performed on whole blood to determine the number of thrombocytes present. Prothrombin Time (PT) Test performed on blood plasma to determine the time needed for oxalated plasma to clot. Red Blood Count (RBC) Test performed on whole blood to determine the number of erythrocytes present.

55 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Blood test to determine the rate at which RBCs settle in a long, narrow tube. Viral Load Blood test that measures the amount of HIV in the blood.

56 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Western Blot Test or Immunoblot Test Used as a reference procedure to confirm the diagnosis of AIDS. White Blood Count (WBC) Blood test to determine the number of leukocytes present.

57 Abbvreviations 57

58 Combining Form Match Up Quiz
chromat/o a. red erythr/o b. iron leuk/o c. color sider/o d. white thromb/o e. clot Animate each arrow

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