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Cardiovascular Review

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1 Cardiovascular Review

2 1. The space betwee the visceral & parietal pericardium is called the…
Visceral pericardium Periotoneal pericardium Pericardial space endocardium

3 2. This is the middle layer of the heart wall.
Endocardium Pericardium Epicardium myocardium

4 3. To contract means to be in…
Relaxation Diastole Systole None of the above

5 4. After the blood leaves the right atrium, it travels to the
Left atrium Rest of the body Lungs aorta

6 5. What is the largest vein in the body?
Aorta Aortic arch Vena cava heart

7 6. What is the longest vein in the body?
Aorta Vena cava Deep saphenous vein Jugular vein

8 7. What artery supplies the brain with blood?
Aorta Superior vena cava Jugular vein Carotid artery

9 8. This is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
Tricuspid valve Bicupsid valve Aortic valve Mitral valve

10 9. This clears clogged arteries, usually with a balloon device.
Bypass surgery Angioplasty Arrhythmia stent

11 10. This condition occurs when the walls of affected arteries harden and lose their elasticity.
Atheroschlerosis Arterioscherosis Myocardial infarction Cerebral hemmorrhage

12 11. Atrial contraction corresponds to the
P wave Q wave R wave S wave

13 12. What are the correct heart sounds?
Lubb dubb Lubb dupp Lupp dubb Lubby Dubby

14 13. What structure is considered the pacemaker of the heart?
SA node AV node AV bundle Bundle of His

15 14. When the diameter of the blood vessel increases, it is termed…
Vasoconstriction Vasodilation Angioplasty flutter

16 15. Uncoordinated, cardiac chaos in the ventricles is often called
Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter Ventricular flutter Ventricular fibrillation

17 16. Cardiac output is Volume discharged from left ventricle per heartbeat Volume discharged from left ventricle per minute Number of times the heart beats per minute Is often measure in bpm

18 17. If stroke volume increases, blood pressure will
Decrease Stay the same It will not have any effect

19 18. If heartrate increases, blood pressure will
Decrease Stay the same It will not have any effect

20 19. If blood viscosity increases, blood pressure will
Decrease Stay the same It will not have any effect

21 20. If peripheral resistance increases, blood pressure will
Decrease Stay the same It will not have any effect

22 21. How can one control their blood pressure?
Control peripheral resistance and heart action Control cardiac output and blood viscosity Control cardiac output (exercise) and peripheral resistance (healthy diet) Control cardiac output (healthy diet) and peripheral resistance (exercise)

23 22. If you are 20 years old, what is your heartrate max?
bpm bpm 200 bpm 203 bpm

24 23. If you are 17 years old, what heartrate should you workout at?
203 bpm 200 bpm bpm

25 24. The apex of your heart corresponds to the
Middle of your chest Location of your 2nd rib Location of your 5th intercostal space Location of your 7th rib

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