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Atom Project with Rubric

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1 Atom Project with Rubric
Due Dates: January 25 & 29, 2013 No later than the end of your class period!

2 Introduction Many inventions and new technologies developed in the past few decades rely on a good understanding of the atom and its subatomic particles.  Production of electricity, function of electronic components, television, X-Ray, light and atomic energy are just a few of the technologies that are based on the properties of atoms. Making a model is a good way of learning about atom and its subatomic particles. In this project you will make a model of an atom of your choice.

3 Introduction con’t In this project you will make a 3 dimensional and a 2 dimensional model of an atom. This is a display project in which you will build a model. You will have no question, hypothesis or experiment for this project.

4 2 Dimensional Models The best way to begin to explain or understand the concept of atomic parts is to draw them out. Each atom has three distinct particles in two areas. The nucleus contains the protons and neutrons, while the electrons circle the nucleus in a constant whirl of motion. An accurate drawing of the atom would show a cloud of motion obscuring the nucleus. However, since this looks like a scribble, students must use their imagination and pretend that they have the ability to stop an atom from moving. The Bohr atomic model helps students imagine the process by stopping each electron in its tracks. draw-an-atom.htm

5 3 Dimensional Models Most craft stores have everything the average student needs to construct a good three- dimensional model of an atom. Several kits are on the market, or students can create their own. Glue Styrofoam balls tightly together to form the nucleus. Use wires to suspend the smaller electrons so that they appear in constant motion. To give the impression of the solid appearance of the nucleus, try using clay to form the protons and neutrons and press the pieces tightly together. Wrap the clay nucleus in strings to represent the trails of the moving electrons.

6 2D & 3D ATOMIC RUBRIC ……………………………… 3D MODEL Due 1-29-13 PAPER DRAWING
SECTION MAX POINTS YOUR POINTS Correct number of protons and neutrons for the nucleus. 30 Drawing has correct number of protons & neutrons. Electrons on the correct rings. Protons neutrons & electrons are labeled. 10 Index Card with your name, period and date on one side and the second side: element name, atomic mass atomic #, & mass number. Drawing has correct number of electrons on the correct rings. Key on another index card, showing what on your model represents a proton neutron and electron. Legend that has (element name, atomic mass, atomic #, mass number). Overall creativity and neatness. (How cool it looks). 20 TOTAL 100


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