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[C] Notas: Impersonal “Se” Constructions

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1 [C] Notas: Impersonal “Se” Constructions

2 I. Formas: 1) If the noun following the verb is singular, use the él/ella form and add SE: * Se alquila casa. = House for rent. 2) If the noun following the verb is plural, use the ellos(as) form: * Se alquilan videos. = Videos for rent.

3 II. Usos Typically for advertisements, when the subject is not specified or identified. * Se venden tacos. = Tacos sold here. Always in the third person (sing./pl.).

4 …Usos Often used to express the idea of what “one” (any person) does in general. * Se aprende más por la mañana. = (One learns more in the morning.)

5 III. Ejemplos 1. *These images were obtained under fair use internet policy for educational purposes.

6 2.

7 3.

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