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Cellular Respiration Date: 11/15-11/16 Topic: Cellular Respiration

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Respiration Date: 11/15-11/16 Topic: Cellular Respiration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Respiration Date: 11/15-11/16 Topic: Cellular Respiration
Learning Target: Identify the formula, and basic functions of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration. Know the role of ATP in energy transfer.

2 HW Directions Due on 11/15 (Evens) - 11/16 (odds)
(5min) Copy everything that is in RED (5min) Do Output in your notebook (10min) Complete Independent Practice from: (titled: Cell Respiration IP) Any questions contact your teacher at: Do not wait until you come to class to say you had a problem logging in.

3 Bell Ringer Have your homework out and ready to be checked
Prepare for BIO BLITZ!!!!

4 Agenda Bell Ringer (5 minutes)
Notes Presentation and Discussion (20 minutes) Notebook Output (5 minutes) Cellular Respiration Lab (30 minutes) Independent Practice (15 minutes) Exit Quiz (15 minutes)

5 Bellringer: Cellular Respiration Review
Cellular respiration= process in which cells ____________ energy from the organic molecule called __________. It converts ________ and _________ (reactants) to _________ and _________ and ______ (products). What is the purpose of cellular respiration? What is ATP? Which organisms do cellular respiration?

6 Engage Student, what are the reactants of cellular respiration?
Student, what are the products of cellular respiration? Student, is cellular respiration an endothermic or exothermic process? Student do you agree or challenge previous student’s answer and why?

7 Engage Student, what is the purpose of cellular respiration?
Student, can you build upon what previous classmate said? Student, which organisms (or kingdoms) perform cellular respiration? Student, unpack previous student’s answer.

8 Engage Student, if Oxygen is a reactant for cell respiration, predict how a cell can release it’s energy in an environment that lacks oxygen? Student, do you agree with or challenge previous student’s answer? Why? Student, predict why a person might have a sore muscle after rigorous exercise. Student, unpack previous student’s answer.

9 Cellular Respiration Water Energy
Cellular respiration occurs within the cell, in an organelle called the MIGHTY MITOCHONDRIA Water Energy

10 Formula for anaerobic respiration:
Cellular Respiration 2 types of cellular respiration: Aerobic Respiration (aero – oxygen) Uses oxygen. Makes a lot of energy. Anaerobic Respiration (an – not) Does not use oxygen. Makes a little bit of energy. Can make lactic acid. Formula for anaerobic respiration:


12 Anaerobic Organisms include
Bacteria Fungi Yeast Animal cells that lack oxygen( for example, if you are running and don't have enough oxygen, you will most likely perform anaerobic respiration).

13 Engage Student, how does ATP works?
Student, summarize the process of cellular respiration. Student, can you add to what previous student just said? Student, link the process of photosynthesis to the process of cellular respiration. Student, do you support previous student’s answer? Why?

14 Respiration provides organisms with ATP. How does ATP work?
Watch the first 3 minutes of this video: Stop at 3min mark

15 Draw the diagram in your notebooks…

16 Notebook Output Using the diagram in your notes, explain the role of ATP in energy transfer in the cell. Be sure to include how energy is released from the ATP molecule and how it is recycled. Use the following vocabulary words: ATP, energy, ADP, phosphate, glucose.

17 Cellular Respiration Lab
Watch and listen silently as the teacher models the lab When you get to your lab table, read and follow the procedures

18 Cellular Respiration Lab
Behaviors that will cause you to sit down and receive a zero: Leaving your group for any reason Shouting for any reason Not working peacefully with your group Breaking or damaging materials Moving or throwing materials Using a cellphone - Each time you are caught with a cellphone 10pts will be deducted from your lab grade

19 Cellular Respiration Lab
When your group has written your hypothesis and variables, raise your hand I will bring your Bromthymol Blue solution to your table

20 Independent Practice Use your notes if needed Voice Level= Silent
Do not leave your seat If you have a question raise your hand No cellphones

21 Exit Quiz No notes allowed during Exit Quiz Voice Level= Silent
Do not leave your seat If you have a technical question raise your hand (Teacher will not assist with the actual questions) No cellphones

22 Homework Notes for next class!
Any late assignment that you have not yet submitted.

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