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Chief Timekeeper Clinic

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1 Chief Timekeeper Clinic
June, 2006

2 Chief Timekeeper Role Of all the intermediate positions, Chief Timekeeper is probably the most straightforward. Accurate timing by this team is ESSENTIAL. The Chief Timekeeper and their assistant must maintain a constant check on the accuracy and the efficiency of all the Timekeepers.

3 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet
Arrive early — at least one hour before the start. Check with the Meet Manager about the conditions of the watches and check watches, if required. Arrange a sign-out system for the watches, if requested by the Meet Manager. Arrange a time with the Referee and Starter for a “Watch Check” Have extra batteries (if appropriate), watches, and pencils for Timekeepers on the deck, during the meet.

4 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet
Discuss with the Referee: Are official times to be recorded on the cards by the Timekeepers? (almost never) What are the signals for advising the Referee if any Timekeepers have a problem? (ie: card mix-up) Will there be two (2) swimmers per lane in distance events? Is there a need to appoint relay take-over judges? Special Procedures Distance Events - two swimmers per lane? Need extra Timekeepers? 25 metre Swim in a 25 metre pool - Will swimmers be moved to start at the turns end, or will the Timekeepers be moved to take the finish at the turns end?

5 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
Conduct a briefing session and watch check with all Timekeepers, 25 to 30 minutes before the start of the session. Introduce yourself and your assistant and explain your duties. Ensure you have enough Timekeepers and arrange for more if required. Identify any new Timekeepers and ensure they work with experienced Timekeepers. Appoint relay take-over judges, if required, and discuss correct position for observing relay takeover and procedure for reporting of a disqualification. Select a Head Timekeeper for each lane. If you do not have a certified Inspector of Turns in each lane, notify the Referee.

6 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
Discuss how to operate the different kinds of watches or plungers, that will be used. Stress that the person that starts the watch MUST stop the watch. DO NOT EXCHANGE A WATCH ONCE IT HAS BEEN STARTED. Identification of swimmers. (have a sample card) Correct name on card - matches the swimmer in the water. Correct heat - for heats, it is located under “Heat”, for timed finals or finals, it is located under “Final”. Correct Lane - for heats, it is located under “Heat”, for timed finals or finals, it is located under “Final”. Relays - Swimmers swim in correct order.

7 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
Discuss the recording of times on the time cards. Recorded to the hundredths Correct location on the card for: Timed Finals - Bottom middle under “Final” Preliminary Heats - Bottom left under “Heats” Finals - Bottom middle under “Final”

8 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
Splits: When - Every time the swimmer touches the wall. How - Lean over the end of the pool and observe the touch. Where to record them on the card - Far right side of the card and on the back if not enough room. (Note: The Chief Finish Judge may request splits to go on the back of the card). On distance events (800 and 1500), if you miss a split, put a line through the space where the split would have been recorded. This will assist you in keeping track of where the swimmer is in the race for the Bell Lap. OFFICIAL SPLIT. A coach may request an official split for any distance within a race. Meet management deals with these requests by producing an extra time card for that swimmer to be completed by three watches at the specified distance. This may require extra timers at the turn end.

9 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
Official Times Are the Timekeepers putting them on the cards? Almost never. If so, how to calculate them using 2 or 3 watches. Light touches when using electronics. Swimmer does not touch the pad firmly enough to activate the electronics. Report it to the Chief Timekeeper or Assistant Write “Light Touch” on the time card.

10 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
When and how to ring bells if you have 800 or 1500 metre events during the session. In 25 metre pool For 800 metre race - Ring bell at the 750m lap For 1500 metre race - Ring bell at the 1450m lap In 50 metre pool For 800 metre race - Ring bell at the 700m lap For 1500 metre race - Ring bell at the 1400m lap A hand bell shall be rung for each swimmer over the right lane rope of his/her lane as he/she approaches the backstroke flags and continue until the turn is completed and the swimmer has passed the backstroke flags.

11 Chief Timekeeper Before the Meet - Briefing
How does the Timekeeper signal for help when they have a problem? Resetting of watches - on the Referee’s first whistle to start the next heat or as instructed by the Chief Timekeeper. Advise Timekeepers to record times as fast as possible and to be prepared for the next race. Relays The first leg of relays (50 or 100 splits) shall be timed by all Timekeepers and recorded and published as official times. Ensure the Timekeepers know the relay take off rules, the Head Timekeeper is charged with this duty.

12 Chief Timekeeper During the Meet
SW The Chief Timekeeper shall assign the seating positions for all Timekeepers and the lanes for which they are responsible. There shall be three (3) Timekeepers for each lane. If Automatic Officiating Equipment is not used, there shall be two (2) additional Timekeepers designated, either of whom shall be directed to replace a Timekeeper whose watch did not start or stopped during an event, or who for any other reason is not able to record the time. When using three (3) digital watches per lane, final time and place is determined by time. CSW When using less than three digital watches per lane, the final time and placing shall be determined by time.

13 Chief Timekeeper During the Meet
SW Where Automatic Officiating Equipment is not available, such equipment must be replaced by a Chief Timekeeper, three (3) Timekeepers per lane, and two (2) additional Timekeepers. If there are only two (2) Timekeepers, then the Chief Timekeeper or their assistant shall have their times recorded on the card of the first and second place swimmers in the event of an Age Group swimmer breaking a record in a Senior Meet. The extra Timekeeper is essential for large meets and helpful at all meets. In the event you don’t have extra Timekeepers, you or your assistant will provide the time.

14 Chief Timekeeper During the Meet
SW The Chief Timekeeper shall collect from the timekeepers in each lane a card showing the time recorded and, if necessary, inspect their watches. A runner will be assigned to collect the cards. You should look at the first one or two heats to ensure the times are being recorded properly, and in the proper places. (splits, timed finals, heats, etc.)

15 Chief Timekeeper During the Meet
SW The Chief Timekeeper shall record or examine the official time on the card for each lane. Official times are normally put on the cards by the Chief Finish Judge. If electronics are being used, the times are taken from the official electronics printout by the Chief Finish Judge,

16 Chief Timekeeper During the Meet
SW Any timing device that is terminated by an official shall be considered a watch. Such manual times must be taken by three timekeepers appointed or approved by the Member in the country concerned. All watches shall be certified as accurate to the satisfaction of the governing body concerned. Manual timing shall be registered to 1/100 of a second. Where no Automatic Equipment is used, official manual times shall be determined as follows: “Certified as accurate”….is done at the watch check. Times obtained from watches/ semiautomatic timing (plungers) stopped by an official will be considered a Manual Time.

17 Chief Timekeeper During the Meet
DETERMINING MANUAL TIMES SW If two of the three watches record the same time and the third disagrees, the two identical times shall be the official time. SW If all three watches disagree, the watch recording the intermediate time shall be the official time. SW – With only two (2) out of three (3) watches working the average time shall be the official time. CSW If only two watches are being used, the arithmetic average to the slowest hundredth shall be the official time.

18 Chief Timekeeper Records
CSW Record swims shall be timed and recorded by an Automatic Officiating Equipment system or by three (3) timekeepers. For a RECORD there must be THREE (3) watches. The Chief Timekeeper or their assistant should always have their times recorded on the card if there are only two (2) Timekeepers.“

19 Chief Timekeeper Records
CSW A time achieved while swimming the first “leg” of a relay or while swimming any part of an event with a “gun” start, may count as a record. For a split time to count as a record, the swimmer must legally complete the full distance of the event or “leg” of the relay, and the official time, for the individual event, shall be equal to or better than the qualifying time for the event. ( See also SW 12.8 & SW 12.9 ) There will be an extra card attached to the normal card requesting an “Official Split” The Referee should advise you as soon as he is advised, and arrangements made to time the 50 metre end.

20 Chief Timekeeper Summary
Signal the Referee if something goes wrong in your area that needs to be fixed and requires the meet to stop. Take the time of the winner of each heat or other lanes as required. Supervise all Timekeepers Check their times are accurate by observing the time being recorded. Check that the Head Lane Timekeeper is recording the information in the right place on the cards. Have your time recorded if required for a third time, or if a Timekeepers time is not right. Chief Timekeeper’s time is a diplomatic way for the Chief Timekeeper to supervise every lane and observe that time are accurate. The Chief Timekeeper’s time is not used when three (3) good times are recorded.

21 Chief Timekeeper Summary
Evaluate Timekeepers. Move Timekeepers from a lane with no swimmer to a lane where a Timekeeper did not get a start on their watch. Solve ongoing problems in your area of responsibility.

22 Chief Timekeeper After the Meet
Sign record applications. Ensure all watches are returned, shut off, and stored properly. Those that are not working are marked and brought to the attention of the Meet Manager. Return the watches to the office, or the Meet Manager.

23 Chief Timekeeper Briefing Sheet
Meeting with Referee Watches all work, or is the meet using Electronics? Checklist of events. Any Relays, 25m, 50m, 800m, 1500m? Do Timekeepers record official times on cards? Arrange signals for 25m/50m events. Will there be two swimmers per lane for distance events? Where do you want the official time for the first leg of the relays written? Need to appoint Head Lane Timers? Need to appoint Relay Takeover Judges? Briefing of Timekeepers Introduce yourself, assistant, Start. Do you have enough Timekeepers? Put Novice Timekeepers with experienced ones. Do you have enough Head Lane Timekeepers? If not, inform the Referee. Discuss the operations of the watches. If electronics or plungers are used, review the procedure for their use. Reminder: The start is connected electronically with the starter’s device; only the depression of the plunger button with index finger is required when the swimmer completes the race.

24 Chief Timekeeper Briefing Sheet
Briefing of Timekeepers (Con’t) Arrange with Referee and Starter to do a “Watch Check”. Let the watches run a full minute before stopping. You want to ensure that all their times are consistent. Cards – Ensure correct name, heat, lane. Times – Yes or No for official times on cards. Record times to the 1/100th. Correct location on card for heats, finals, or timed finals. Splits – Where, bells for 800m and 1500m events. Light Touches – Where to record and who to notify. Relays – Swum in correct order, first leg will require all Timekeepers to take a time. It is an Official Time. Where to record. Problems – Procedures if you have a problem in your lane. Procedure and time to report on deck – Have Fun!!! Take extra watches and pencils on deck with you.

25 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 1
1. Timekeeper 2 in Lane 5 consistently records times that are 0.40 to 0.60 faster the the other 2 Timekeepers. A) Observe the Timekeeper working. Are they attentive? Are they starting and stopping the watch properly? If everything appears normal give them another watch , and explain the problem. USE A LOT OF DIPLOMACY, we only have so may Timekeepers. If nothing appears to work, move them to another position. (assist the Chief Finish Judge or Marshall, etc.) B) Review the correct procedure for taking splits and finishes. Is the Timekeeper starting the watch by the sound of the start device instead of the flash? Is the Timekeeper anticipating the finish? Make sure the Timekeeper is watching the wall, not the swimmer. Be in the proper position to observe the touch.

26 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 2
2. The Timekeepers in Lane 4 are all inexperienced. A) Trade places with one experienced Timekeeper to assist the others.

27 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 3
3. Timekeeper 1 in Lane 3 takes her split times seated in her chair. A) Advise the Timekeeper of the importance of observing the touch and that the time recorded is not correct unless the touch is observed from the correct position. B) Review the correct position for taking splits - standing over the lane.

28 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 4
4. Timekeeper 1 in Lane 4 is a qualified Inspector of Turns. He is trying to take splits and judge turns at the same time. A) Ask one of the other Timekeepers to take the splits and explain that the two jobs don’t work together because both require his attention at the same time.

29 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 5
5. All three Timekeepers in Lane 6 are recording times that are inconsistent with the electronic results. A) Observe the Timekeepers working: Are they attentive? Are they starting and stopping the watches correctly? There may be a faulty touch pad, advise Referee of concern.

30 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 6
6. After the start, three Timekeepers raise their hands. They have missed the start. A) Are they all in the same lane? If so, are there any lanes with no swimmers? If you have empty lanes, move the Timekeepers in the lane with the problem. If no empty lanes and no extra Timekeepers, the Chief Timekeeper and their assistant can take a time. REMEMBER… IF YOU START THE WATCH, YOU MUST STOP THAT WATCH!!

31 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 7
8. The Referee has blown his whistle to signal the start of the next heat. The Timekeepers in Lane 2 raise their hands. A) There is a problem in Lane 2. Use your prearranged signal with the Referee to hold the start. Do not let the race start with a problem among your Timekeepers. B) Make sure it its an important problem. (ie: card mix-up, do not hold the start for a minor problem) The Timekeepers must try to come up to the speed the Referee requires..

32 Chief Timekeeper Situation # 8
9. Determine the official times for the following. 1:09.59 1:11.94 1:07.15 1:05.61 1:07.41 1:10.24

33 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 1
Before the start of a meet the Chief Timekeeper shall: Check that all watches are in good working order; Issue watches to timers; Brief Timers regarding their duties; Assign an individual to each lane to judge relay takeovers; Assign Head Lane Timers; Issue bells (where appropriate); Arrange with the Starter to conduct a “watch check”; Establish working signals with the Referee.

34 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 2
The Chief Timekeeper shall: Take the finish time of the winner of each heat; Position himself so that he can observe the finish of each heat; Make his own tabulation of the order of finish of each heat; Disqualify swimmers for turn infractions which he observes; Signal all Timers to clear and reset their watches; Check all recorded times of the winner of each heat; Affix his time, when necessary, on the time card of the winner of a heat or final; Satisfy himself that all Timers are competent; Tabulate lengths completed in long distance races

35 Cont’d j. Have the authority to disqualify;
k. Have one or two Assistants l. Have the authority to over-rule an automatic time and replace it with a manual time; m. Have extra watches/batteries available; n. Assign Timers to take split or record-attempt times; o. Start at least two watches for each race; p. Examine all the time cards; q. Ensure that at least one extra watch is started for each race. r. Alert the HLT and/or timers to location of times and signatures when meet has both preliminary and time final events.

36 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 3
3. In long distance events when there is a bell-lap, the Chief Timekeeper shall: a. delegate responsibility for tabulating lengths and ringing the bell to each Head Lane Timer; b. verify the tabulation of completed lengths with the assigned Lane Timer and Referee before authorizing the bell to be rung.

37 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 4
4. When an automatic judging and timing system with electronic touch-pads is in use: it is necessary to have a full complement of Lane Timers on duty unless another approved backup system is available; it is necessary to have a full complement of Lane Timers on standby in the officials' room, in the event of a malfunction; the Lane Timer will transcribe the automatic times onto the time cards.

38 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 5
5. In developmental meets, the minimum number of Timers that should be assigned to each working lane of the pool is: a. two; b. one; c. three. d. three in any integrated meet where a swimmer with a disability is in the lane.

39 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 6
6. The following times were measured on manually operated digital watches. Determine the official times for each swim: a. 1: : : :01.39 b. 1: : :10.78 c. 4: : : :03.47 d. 1: e. 2: : : :12.04 f. 2: : :21.16 g. 4: : :18.25 6. The following times were measured on manually operated digital watches. Determine the official times for each swim: a. 1: : :01.43 b. 1: :10.89 c. 4: : :03.54 d. 1: e. 2: : :12.04 f. 2: :20.97 g. 4: :18.42

40 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 7
7. The Chief Timekeeper shall instruct the Head Lane Timekeeper to ensure that: a. the correct swimmer is in his assigned lane; b. the correct time card is being used; c. the correct times are being read and recorded; d. all times are recorded to 100ths of a second; e. in manually timed meets, official times are correctly calculated and recorded (when so directed); f. preliminary, final and split times are recorded on the time card, as directed; g. in Relay events the swimmers compete in the correct order.

41 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 8
8. The Chief Timekeeper should instruct the Head Lane Timekeepers to ensure that: a. one timer is assigned to take split times; b. the Chief Finish Judge is informed in the appropriate manner if a swimmer fails to touch the touch-pad or touches it lightly; c. relay take-over infractions are reported to the Referee; d. a swimmer's manual backup times are adjusted to agree with the automatic times.

42 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 9
9. During a short course relay, an official split is taken: a. by all timers assigned to a lane; b. at the completion of the first leg of a 4 x 50 m relay; c. at the completion of each swimmer's leg of the relay; d. at the end of the first leg of a 4 x 100 m relay.

43 Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire Question # 10
10. In a manually timed meet, long course, an official split at 50m of a 200 m relay event is taken: a. by having all timers move to the 50 m end of the pool for the start of each heat, then return to the finish end for the remainder of the meet; b. when there are sufficient timers and watches to staff both ends of the meet; c. when a coach requests an official split and there are sufficient timers and watches to staff the lane(s) in question;

44 Approved by the BC Swimming Officials’ Association
Thank you. Approved by the BC Swimming Officials’ Association

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