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Gilded Age 1.2.

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1 Gilded Age 1.2

2 2/3 of all homesteaders failed to farm their land
The Farming Bonanza 2/3 of all homesteaders failed to farm their land The U.S. gov’t offered incentives for farmers to settle the West: Homestead Act (1862)—gave 160 acres of land if families pledged to live there for 5 years Other gov’t acts helped develop western lands by planting trees & building irrigation systems Due to land grants, RRs were the largest western landowners 500 million acres doled to businesses but only 80 million to homesteaders

3 The Farming Bonanza A pioneer sod house
In 1870, homesteaders pushed West & adapted to the harsh farming conditions: Farmers used dry farming techniques & planted tougher varieties of wheat New machinery sped harvesting & planting; led to bonanza farms By 1890, the U.S. became a major crop exporter A pioneer sod house

4 In 1900, the West made up 30% of the U.S. population (was 1% in 1850)
Homestead Sales, In 1900, the West made up 30% of the U.S. population (was 1% in 1850)

5 Exodusters Exodusters were black farmers who moved West to escape Southern crop liens & Jim Crow Laws

6 Rails Across the Continent
In 1862, Congress authorized the transcontinental railroad: Union Pacific worked westward from Nebraska (Irish laborers) Central Pacific worked eastward from CA (Chinese immigrants) May 10, 1869 the 2 tracks met at Promontory Point in Utah By 1900, 4 more lines were built to the Pacific 1869 is same year as Suez Canal completion—similar effects; both opened access & tie two worlds together 7

7 Irish workers made up a large percentage of laborers on the eastern section
Chinese workers made up a large percentage of laborers on the western leg 1st transcontinental railroad connected the west coast to eastern cities in 1869

8 Federal Land Grants to Railroads by 1871
The national gov’t doled $65 million & millions of acres in land grants (received reduced rates for shipping)

9 The Transcontinental Railroad
“Pullman cars” & “refrigeration cars” In 1870, RR companies developed the 1st time zones to better schedule the RR system; the US would not adopt time zones until 1918

10 Railroad Construction, 1830-1920

11 Essential Question: Reading Quiz Ch 18A (p.606-625)
What economic, political, & migratory factors led to the end of the western frontier by 1890? Reading Quiz Ch 18A (p ) Lesson Plan for Friday, November 21, 2008: RQ 18A, Finish the American West notes

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