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ENGLESKI JEZIK STRUKE 3 Sreda, 11.03.2019..

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Presentation on theme: "ENGLESKI JEZIK STRUKE 3 Sreda, 11.03.2019.."— Presentation transcript:


2 Academic writing What makes good academic writing?
Communicating your idea clearly and effectively, in a logical sequence.

3 Academic writing – paragraph level

4 Academic writing – paragraph level

introduce the paragraph's main point (TOPIC SENTENCE); develop and support the point (SUPPORING SENTENCES); show the significance of the point made (CLOSING SENTENCE).

6 Internal structure of a paragraph (example)

7 Introduction to a paragraph: topic sentence
- identifies the purpose of the paragraph - shows the place the paragraph has in the structure of the essay as a whole

8 Topic sentence: practice 1
Read the paragraph and choose the most appropriate topic sentence. ________________________________________ . First of all, we need money to repair old roads and build new roads. We also need more to pay teachers’ salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally, more tax money is needed to give financial help to the poor citizens of the city. It is clear that the city will have serious problems if taxes are not raised soon. a) We should raise city taxes. b) City taxes are too high. c) City taxes pay for new roads.

9 Topic sentence: practice 2
Read the paragraph and write the topic sentence. BENEFITS OF READING TO CHILDREN    _________________________________________________Smith and Brown (2010) explain that this helps them to read at a later stage because it helps them to see the association between words on the page and language. It should also help infants to view books and reading as a positive experience because ‘story-time’ is usually a cosy, one-to-one experience between a parent and child.

10 Topic sentence: practice 3
FACTORS OF SUCCESS AT UNIVERSITY    _________________________________________________The most important factor is a student's past experience of study. If a student has already developed good study habits, study at university should not be difficult. Good study habits need to be complemented by interest and motivation, factors which are important when competition gets tough. We should however not underestimate the distracting effects of financial and personal difficulties. All students have to grapple with these at some stage of their university life. Beyond the personal factors it has to be said that there is also a certain element of luck involved in success: this includes finding excellent teachers and the subject matter that inspires one to give one's best.

11 Development of a paragraph
The body of the paragraph should develop the idea that has been introduced at the beginning of the paragraph. This can be done by: redefining the idea; giving examples; commenting on evidence; showing implications or consequences; examining opposing ideas.

12 Recognizing supporting sentences
Underline supporting sentences: Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. First, fruits and vegetables are packed with the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your body functioning smoothly. In addition, they give you the carbohydrates you need for energy. Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber to help your digestive system work properly. Finally, many scientists believe that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases. If you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you’ll be on the road to better health.

13 Recognizing supporting sentences – KEY
Underline supporting sentences: Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. First, fruits and vegetables are packed with the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your body functioning smoothly. In addition, they give you the carbohydrates you need for energy. Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber to help your digestive system work properly. Finally, many scientists believe that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases. If you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you’ll be on the road to better health.

14 Development of a paragraph: practice 2
You are given a topic sentence and two supporting ideas. Suggest two further points to support the topic sentence. THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY STUDENTS PANIC DURING FINAL EXAMS. The possible reasons are:  not being prepared information overload ________________________

15 Conclusion of a paragraph
- shows the significance of the point - links back to the beginning of the paragraph, - comments on the implications of the point as a whole, or - makes a link to the next paragraph

16 Closing sentence: practice 1
Choose the best closing sentence for the given paragraph: Thousands of new people are born on our planet every day. The number of inhabitants in the world has already reached over six billion. If the present growth rate remains unchecked, the world may soon face wide-spread starvation, poverty, and serious health problems.______________________ The rapid growth of the world's human population is the most important problem the world needs to address. One of the burning issues is the population explosion in third world countries. Therefore, it is predicted that the world will face serious health problems in the near future.

17 Closing sentence: practice 2
Suggest the best closing: Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well‐trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. ___________________________________________.

18 Academic writing – sentence level

19 academic writing – sentence level
3 PRINCIPLES: 1. Remove unnecessary words and phrases – cut the clutter 2. Use the active voice 3. Write with verbs Complex ideas don’t require complex language! Cutting the clutter does not mean only writing short sentences!

20 I remove individual redundant words
(without making any other changes) e.g. Their head office is located in London. > Their head office is located in London. 1. One suitable method is to separate the men from the women. suitable 2. Dynamism and velocity are typical characteristics of this species. characteristics 3. The results obtained highlight that x = y. obtained

21 II remove several redundant words
e.g. As we have already noted in Section 4.2.1, the presence of x can influence y. > As we have already noted in…. 1. We have to make use of other techniques. > to make use of 2. Paint samples, as described previously, normally contain mixtures of different substances. > , as described previously, 3. In comparative terms, there is no real difference between x and y. > in comparative terms,

22 III remove (several) redundant words that refer to literature
e.g. It has been shown that microwaves significantly shorten reaction times (Young, ). > It has been shown that microwaves significantly shorten reaction times (Young, 2012). 1. It is in fact known that glucose is one of the products of photosynthesis in plants [Yang, 2014]. > It is in fact known that 2. Experience teaches us that this is generally the best approach (see our previous papers: 12, 22, and 34). > Experience teaches us that

23 IV Replace a phrase with one word
e.g. The table shows all the information relevant to costs. > on This takes place for the period of time between May to July. > from This has made it possible for us to do … > enabled It is possible on the condition that the cost is specified as well. > provided

24 V replace A verb + noun OR A NOUN with verb
e.g. to achieve an improvement > to improve 2. to carry out a test > to test 3. to cause an increase > to increase e.g. Table 1 shows a comparison between X and Y. > compares

25 V replace A verb + noun OR A NOUN with verb (MORE EXAMPLES)
e.g. In certain environments this could lead to an enhancement in the lipid preservation. > enhance 3. The anaerobic bacteria can cause a strong degradation of the wood. > considerably degrade

26 VII replace negatives e.g. She was not often right. > She was usually wrong. 1. She did not want to perform the experiment incorrectly. > She wanted to perform the experiment correctly. Not honest > dishonest Not harmful > safe Did not succeed > failed

27 VIII Avoid there is / there are
E.g. There are many ways in which we can arrange the carts. > We can arrange the carts in many ways. 1. There are many biologists who like to write. > Many biologists like to write. 2. The data confirm that there is an association between vegetables and cancer. > The data confirm an association between vegetables and cancer.

28 The active voice is livelier and easier to read.
IX use active voice The active voice is livelier and easier to read. E.g. It was concluded by the editors that the data had been falsified by the authors. > The editors concluded that the authors have falsified their data. 1. The first visible-light shapshot of a planet circling another star has been taken by NASA’a Hubble Space Telescope. > NASA’a Hubble Space Telescope has taken the first visible-light shapshot of a planet circling another star.

29 X use parallelism - pairs or lists of ideas joined by “and”, “or”, or “but” should be written in parallel form, i.e. they should follow the same grammatical structure example:

30 A few grammar tips… 1. THE WORD “DATA” IS PLURAL.
The data show an unusual trend. The data are important. The data support the conclusion. (datum, sg.) 2. WHICH / THAT The bike that is broken is in my garage (defining / identifies one out of many) The bike, which is broken, is in my garage. (non-defining / gives additional information)

31 Practice Handout

32 Rewrite the following abstract according to the instructions / advice from this class:
Abstract: Lobbying is a communication phenomenon which puts an emphasis EMPHASIZES on the possibility of an organizational entity to achieve influence on decision makers. The purpose of this activity is to provide appropriate decisions that have great influence for an organization. Multidimensional forms of lobbying activities have created a demand for designing the projection and implementation of an appropriate project management terminology. The analysis of the literature, as well as practical experience, identifies the main approach of research methodology, which includes comparison and modeling as the main methods. The research shows that lobbying is a complex activity that should be managed. In the following section, we offer STAP modeling for the management of lobbying operational strategies. This model of lobbying operation management can be of practical value to all kinds of organizational entities, which have influence on decision makers with the purpose of achieving organizational goals.

33 Homework – peer assessment
Form Paragraph structure (topic sentence, supporting sentences, closing sentence) Sentence structure (the three principles – redundant words, active voice, writing with verbs) Spelling and grammar

34 New homework Rewrite the summary according to your colleague’s comments and according to your own observations

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