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Cold war review.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold war review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold war review

2 Q: Whom was Germany divided amongst

3 A. England/France/Russia/USA

4 Q. Which president planed the bay of pigs

5 A. Kennedy

6 Q:What are some changes that occurred between the Potsdam and Yalta Conference?

7 A:Atomic bomb/ new leadership in usa and england/ Russia interfering in poland

8 Q:What types of reforms did Castros cuba push for

9 A:Healthcare,Education,Intergration

10 Q: Who were the Vietcong

11 A: Communist group in South Vietnam

12 Q: What countries did Russia take over

13 A: Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary , Romania, Czechoslovakia

14 Q: What did Russia gain in return for fighting the Japanese

15 A: Territory in Korea and china / Reparations / a zone in occupied Germany

16 What two speeches lead to USA adapting a policy of containment

17 A:Long telegram/ Iron curtain speech

18 Q:What caused the cuban missile crisis

19 A: Russian weapons in cuba

20 Q: Which president got the US out of the Vietnam War

21 A: Nixon

22 Q:What is the gulf of Tonkin incident

23 A: First fighting between US and Vietnam

24 Q: What were disagreements between Russia and the US at the Potsdam conference

25 Q: Reperations/Russian influence in East Europe/ Division of germany

26 Q: What was the purpose of the POTSDAM conference

27 A: For democratic to ally against communism

28 Who brought the USA into the Vietnam war?

29 A: President Johnson

30 Which occurred first Bay of pigs or Cuban Missile crisis

31 Bay of pigs

32 Q: What is domino theory

33 A: The idea that if a country falls to communism its neighbors soon will follow

34 What was the Tet offensive

35 A: A sneak attack by Vietnamese: Caused US support of war to drop dramatically

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