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What do you notice about the shorelines?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you notice about the shorelines?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you notice about the shorelines?

2 What do you notice about the different fossils found in different locations?

3 This diagram shows the location of mountain range, what do you notice about them?

4 Coal deposits are formed when plants die and breakdown leaving behind allot of carbon in the soil. Overtime this carbon is compressed into coal. The resource we burn for electricity. The black parts of the map are where large amounts of coal deposits are found.

5 The red points on the map are where large amounts of earthquakes happen. What do you notice about the locations?

6 The red points on the map are where large amounts of volcanoes (hot spots) happen. What do you notice about the locations?

7 The diagram shows the crustal age of the oceans sea floor with red being the youngest and blue being the oldest. Why do you think this occurs? What creates new crust?

8 This diagram shows the polarity of different parts of the oceans crust
This diagram shows the polarity of different parts of the oceans crust. Every time the color changes the polarity reverses. Why do you think this occurs?

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