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Ms. Faulkner’s Art Class

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Faulkner’s Art Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Faulkner’s Art Class
An Introduction to Rules and Procedures

2 Respect other students
Analyze the painting: The Golden Rule by Norman Rockwell What does it mean to: Respect yourself Respect other students Respect the teacher

3 Create a caring community
Community (Respectful to others’ ideas and property, positive language, positively contributing to discussions about art) Attitude (staying on-task and efficient use of time) Responsibility (daily punctual attendance, bringing/turning in appropriate materials on-time) Effort (constantly growing in skills and creativity as an artist, improving each assignment)

4 Clean Up Procedures 1. Clean up at your seat and wait for teacher to call your table. Wash Brushes in your cup first, then in the sink. Wipe Palette with paper towel first, then wash in sink. 2. Wash Paintbrushes, Water Cup, and Palette Place brushes back, brush side up Place palette and water cup in the dish rack to dry! Clean Up after Yourself!! Wipe down sink and your table Throw away paper towels

5 Conflict Resolution Plans
Warning Outside (time out) and discussion with me- plan for improvement Seat assignment change Call home Referral to principal

6 Why Do We Create Art? Functions of Art: Practical Function:
Architecture, clothing, etc Cultural Function statues to honor gods, political leaders, social movements, etc. Personal Function Express personal thoughts and feelings Renaissance and individual achievement Educational Function Human history

7 Why Do We Discuss and Write About Art?
In order to see, describe and plan artworks, it helps to have a vocabulary for design. The most common vocabulary used in the art world is based on a system of ideas called the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. When you learn about elements and principles of design you can communicate your ideas better. You can also analyze and appreciate art more.

8 Grading Rubric You will be graded on your artwork:
Following directions and problem solving Neat and clean Technique/ Craftsmanship Honest effort is shown Creation is original Composition includes the Principles of Design And Art Literacy Planning/sketching Discussions and Presentations Written Reflections and Critiques

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