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“HOWDY!” Mary Scaggs |Speakers Committee

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1 “HOWDY!” Mary Scaggs |Speakers Committee

2 “HOWDY!” - Mary Scaggs |Speakers Committee
Plans underway! Visit us at Feb. 25 – Mar 17, 2019 | NRG PARK

3 Soil Exhibit – planted 65,000 seeds
Soil Exhibit – planted 65,000 seeds 2017 Horticulture Committee – for the 2017 Show!

4 We need to BEE friendlier!
“Houston, We Have a Problem!” We need to BEE friendlier!

5 We need to BEE friendlier!
HOW? | Why? |Who Cares? We need to BEE friendlier!

6 HELIOTROPISM \ˌhē-lē-ˈä-trə-ˌpiz-əm\

7 Sunrise | Sunset | Sunrise | Sunset …24 hours a day
SOLAR TRACKING Young sunflowers follow the sun: EAST Young sunflowers follow the sun: WEST Sunrise | Sunset | Sunrise | Sunset …24 hours a day

8 75% of our crops 90% of our flowers
Pollinators: Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Birds, Bats are essential in the production of nearly 75% of our crops 90% of our flowers

9 Texas – 2nd largest state in the nation by both area and population.

10 Imagine: A trip to your grocery store

11 Your Choices WITH Bees.

12 Your Choices With NO Bees

13 Your dairy section.

14 Your dairy choices WITHOUT bees.

15 Healthy Pollinators: Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Birds, Bats impact our food supply
1 out of 3 bites

16 What about the agriculture segment of our economy?

17 Pollinators: Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Birds, Bats are essential in the production of nearly
75% of our crops

18 Crops that require pollination include:

19 Bees’ pollination work. Valuable…if you can get it…worth $19 Billion*
*(in a 2010 study).

20 Almonds in Bloom Let’s do the numbers! 1 season in California take:
1.5 million colonies of bees 750,000 acres almond trees 2 billion pounds nutmeats Avg tree produces 7,353 nuts

21 44% of honeybee colonies died last year alone….

22 44% of honeybee colonies died last year alone….

23 Compare Raspberries: You be the judge!

24 Don’t bee like Mary up to now!
Blooming Flowers - home 1999: Blooming Flowers - home 2018: Azaleas only – 4 beds 50’ each No lawn No other blooming outdoor plants Even fewer azaleas – 4 single plants No lawn No other blooming outdoor plants

25 What we can do today! At home or in our neighborhood:
Eliminate garden pesticides Reduce our lawns Plant things bees like Replace blooming plants Increase blooms each season Add flowering pots at doorway and patio Provide shallow water

26 What we can do today! Outside of home: Give a blooming plant
Buy more organics* Ask for bee friendly plants Use plant apps Support local beekeepers

27 Save the Dates! Visit us at
Feb. 25 – Mar 17, 2019 | NRG PARK   “Thanks, Y’all!”

28 “Thanks, Y’all!” Mary Scaggs|Speakers Committee Cell/Text |

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