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BESIII TOF Digitization

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1 BESIII TOF Digitization
Deng ziyan

2 Outline TOF Geometry TOF Digitization version 1
Something about running BOOST

3 TOF Geometry Wrapping Al + PVF layer1 layer2 88 barrel

4 TOF Geometry end-cap

5 Digitization from hits
edep digi time Hit position event digi Hit Hit digi Hit Hit forwADC forwTDC forward: east backward: west backADC No backward output for endcap tof backTDC

6 Digitization Version 1 Geant Tof digitization ADC
Select Arrival Time edep to ADC edep, arrivalTime 1 edep, arrivalTime 2 edep, arrivalTime n edep (1) edep (2) edep (n) Select first Arrival time Apply dE/dx threshold cut Geant arrivalTime (initial) ADC edep :-dE/dx in scintillator arrivalTime : time of flight + dz/vel Tof digitization PMT resolution tdc smeared by Gaussian with s(f(ADC)) tdc ADC TDC Time walk added TDC = tdc + c(ADC)-0.5 ADC

7 Digitization Version 1 1GeV e- Theta=90 Phi: 0-360 Sigma = 84 ps

8 More to do about version 1
Correction on ADC and TDC ADC vs z-hit TDC Resolution vs ADC Time-walk correction TDC vs ADC Parameters will be taken from data fitting

9 Digitization Version 2 Full simulation
Scintillation light emission in each step Light propagation in scintillator upto PMT PMT response Photoelectron production Signal pulse production Discrimation of PMT signal at two levels If pulse height>HL, then make T,Q output

10 Parameters Scintillator PMT Emit time parameters
Light attenuation length Refractive index Light output PMT Gain Rise time Effective area Transit time(and spread) Collection factor Quantum efficiency HL, LL

11 Scintillation light emission
Number of photons is proportional to edep 10000/MeV Uniform distribution Emission time: a time profile assumed temit

12 Light propagation Lpro = d / cosθ Propagation time: tpro= Lpro/ vel
PMT θ d Lpro = d / cosθ Propagation time: tpro= Lpro/ vel Attenuation in TOF counter is simulated Part Lights escape or lost

13 PMT response Photoelectron production
Photoelectrons are produced with quantum efficiency Number of photoelectrons is reduced due to the dynode structure Transit time is added PMT response for single photon electron

14 PMT response Hit 1 direction Path length Pro time Photon 1 reach PMT Transit time end time endTime = flightTime+emitTime+ProTime+TransitTime ……….. Photon N ….. Hit N Integration of arrival photon times with PMT response function

15 PMT response endTime PMT response for single pe PMT pulse output
Rise time = 2.5 ns PMT pulse output

16 Time distribution flight time delta T in one step
1GeV/c e- vertical incidence

17 Time distribution emitting time propagation time
1GeV/c e- vertical incidence

18 Time distribution PMT transit time end time
1GeV/c e- vertical incidence

19 Simulation of readout electronics
Each PMT signal is examined using double threshold (LL,HL) A signal larger than HL threshold provides a gate to measure TDC TDC is given at the moment when PMT pulse crosses LL threshold HL LL TDC

20 TOF Front_End Electronics

21 Energy deposit total energy loss in one scintillator (5cm width)
1GeV/c e- vertical incidence total energy loss in one scintillator (5cm width)

22 e- 1GeV/c Z=0 : forward TDC resolution = 121
e- 1GeV/c Z=0 : forward TDC resolution = 121.6ps backward TDC resolution = 121.4ps

23 TDC vs z-hit forward Veff=17.16 cm/ns backward Veff=17.19 cm/ns

24 β vs P particles: random P: 0-1.6GeV random

25 ADC vs z-hit log(forwADC/backADC) vs z-hit

26 TDC sigma vs z-hit

27 Running environment besfarm Genbes BOOST lxplus koala BesGenModule
BesSim besfarm: old, no maintenance koala: overwhelmed lxplus: the last choice! even problems exist Using BesGenModule and BesSim can avoid changing environment

28 Running environment lxplus04, 05 more document /ihepbatch/bes/dengzy
/afs/ (2G) /ihepbatch/besdata/public/dengzy (5G) more document G4ParticleList GenbesParticleId PDGscheme

29 The end Thanks!

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