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Chapter 8 Lesson 1 The First Christians

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1 Chapter 8 Lesson 1 The First Christians
Unit 1: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

2 “Taking Notes” Contrasting
Roman State Religion Christianity “Taking Notes” Contrasting As you read, use a table like this one to contrast the Roman state religion with Christianity.

3 Jesus, Judaism, and the Rise of Christianity
What is Judaism? First monotheistic religion. Believe the Jewish people have a covenant with God, who will award obedience with an era of universal peace. The Torah tells the history of the Jews and explains Jewish laws. The rest of the Hebrew Bible contain writings from prophets, Psalms, and ethical and historical works. Jesus, Judaism, and the Rise of Christianity Who was Jesus? Jewish teacher. Claimed his mission was to complete the salvation promised to Israel. Cited Hebrew texts. Stressed humility, charity, and love towards others. Seen by followers as the Messiah – save Israel from foes, bring an age of peace and prosperity

4 Judaism in the Roman Empire
Identifying problems What aspects of the Jewish faith might have contributed to the dissatisfaction of many Jewish people living under Roman rule? Judaism in the Roman Empire Analyzing What obstacles did the Jews face in their opposition to Roman rule?

5 Jesus’ preaching stirred controversy among the Romans as well as within the Jewish community.
Why was Jesus identified as a potential revolutionary? What did Jesus emphasize from the Hebrew Bible? Why was Jesus put to death by crucifixion? The Teachings of Jesus

6 Background Knowledge The Roman Senate made their emperors gods.
The Romans tolerated other religions until emperor Nero (54-58 A.D.) when the first persecution of Christians occurred. Strengthened Christianity instead of discouraging it. Theodosius the Great ( A.D.) adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. Background Knowledge

7 Background Knowledge “Apostle” comes from a Greek word meaning “person sent (as a messenger).” First 12 apostles were chosen by Jesus. Received his teaching and training Sent on missions to announce the coming of kingdom of God Peter, James, and John formed an inner circle Witnessed miracles and were with Jesus during persecution Believed that the number 12 = the 12 tribes of Israel.

8 Christianity Spreads Through the Empire
Who were some of the early leaders of Christianity? What did they do? Why was Christianity appealing to many people in the Roman Empire? Why did Christianity spread so quickly?

9 Creating Time Lines 1st-2nd century 3rd century 4th century 312 A.D.

10 Honors: Close and Reflect
Why did the Romans initially oppose Christianity? What happened to make the Romans stop their attempt to stamp out Christianity? Why did Christianity spread quickly after the fourth century? Honors: Close and Reflect Summarizing: Write a summary paragraph of the lesson in which you answer each of the following questions. Should be at least 5-6 complete sentences (2-3 per question).

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