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42A Enlisted Update April 2019

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Presentation on theme: "42A Enlisted Update April 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 42A Enlisted Update April 2019
AG Photo of The Month 42A AIT Class (C – Cougar Company, 369th AG BN) Cresting Ceremony 21 March 2019 *Please submit your photos to the Proponent and your unit could be the next to be featured*

2 42A Enlisted Update April 2019
As the Army builds its capabilities for the current and future force, human resources and financial management doctrine and structure must change to provide the required capability to the commanders in the battle space. This briefing will provide you an update on both transformation and our efforts to support a modular Army.

3 42A Enlisted Update April 2019
*Drill Sergeant - The AG Branch is looking for highly qualified candidates to attend the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School for 2-year tours. Please contact your PDNCO/Assignment Manager for further information/guidance.  *Recruiter - If you are a Noncommissioned Officer (SGT - SFC) interested in volunteering for recruiting duty, you may begin the application process. Please contact your PDNCO/Assignment Manager for further information/guidance. For recruiter selection procedures and criteria, please refer to AR 601-1, Chapter 2, Section II. Download Recruiting Packet at the following link: All packets and questions can be ed to the following address: Recruiting Team: DSN: or Commercial: *JOIN THE IPPS-A TEAM – The IPPS-A Team is seeking talented Army Officers, Warrant Officers, and Non-commissioned Officers (with specific automation expertise) for immediate assignment consideration within Team IPPS-A, with duty in Arlington, VA or Fort Knox, KY (HRC). Your role will include: Helping to solve the Army’s HR data and IT infrastructure dilemma: Researching and developing relevant data and software solutions to be implemented within IPPS-A and integrated with other Authoritative Data Sources (ADS); Reverse engineering existing data flows and sources to target mappings; and Working with cross-functional teams to ensure end-to-end technical and business viability. Visit the following link for more information: *AIRBORNE OPPORTUNITIES - Are you looking for an opportunity to excel, to challenge yourself with responsibilities that have significant impacts at the strategic and national level? Then challenge yourself and pursue excellence by volunteering to earn the prestigious Airborne Wings and serve in one of our Nation’s five elite Airborne Infantry Brigade Combat Teams or one of our selective Special Operations units. If you think you have what it takes to serve on airborne status, stand ready to rapidly deploy anywhere in the world, and serve in a unit with a great sense of pride and deep history, then you want to volunteer today!  To volunteer - contact your branch manager or if within your reenlistment window, speak to your career counselor, AIRBORNE! *MEPCOM 1SG Positions Available - Springfield, Massachusetts (available now), Albany, New York (summer fill) and San Juan, Puerto Rico (September fill). If interested please contact your PDNCO/Assignment Manager or CSM Christian Carr (MEPCOM CSM) at *ACT Community Page website - This presentation/link will show you (step by step) how to get on the ACT website along with how to become a follower of our community page and become a follower. The ACT 42A Community Page will be the main venue for distribution of AG Proponency information to the field. Currently we have 1402 followers. Please visit the link below: Latest posts of interest are as follow: 42A Recruiter Laydown, EMSR, AVG Pin on Point Current 42A6s, PERSTEMPO Information, 42A NCOES/PME Backlog Data, AG Branch #’s as of 14 March, photos of the E3 Course, BDE S-1 OPS Course, 42A AIT Class and update to the G1 SGM/CSM HR Structure Chart dated 21 March to mention a few. *Current AC (COMPO 1) 42A authorizations for 1 April 2019 = 9497 – 42A Strength including Training, Transition, Holdees and Students (TTHS) as of 26 March = 10,471 (110.2%). COMPO 2 (42A) = 8421 / COMPO 3 (42A) = 6977 / TOTAL = 25,869 – Assignment Distribution = 67%=G1/S1/HROB, 24%=Broadening, 9%=SRC 12 *1775 SPRING EDITION 2019 IS COMING - You now have the option of having a hard copy of 1775 mailed to you. Or you can read each digital edition of the magazine on To have a hard copy of the magazine mailed to you, go to and "My Account" ( and then click "Account details" on the left. Then scroll down to "How to Receive 1775 Magazine (for active members)" and select the option you want. The default selection is "No hard copy", so you must change this option if you want a hard copy of 1775 mailed to you. If you have any issues changing your 1775 hard copy option, contact

4 42A Enlisted Update April 2019
*DIMA VACANCY - 42A-SFC, Office of the Deputy CoS, G-2, Pentagon, Washington, DC. See specifics at: *AG Week/National AG Ball – AG Week this year is scheduled for June and the AG National Ball will be Friday, 21 June at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. To purchase your Ball ticket(s) and see information about lodging, please visit There are a limited amount of Ball tickets and we anticipate another sell out so purchase your tickets today! *FY19 MSG PROMOTION BOARD - Additional board missions include conducting Standby Advisory Boards (STABs) and a Qualitative Management Program (QMP) Board as needed - Convenes 1 May Suspense's are as follow: NCOERs – 22 Apr 19, Letter to the President of the Board – 21 April 19, AMHRR updates – 19 April 19, DA Photo – 24 April 19, MBF availability – 9 Dec 18 thru 24 Apr 19, SRB updates for AC – 26 Apr 19 (MILPER Message at: *FY19 SFC PROMOTION BOARD - Additional board missions include conducting Standby Advisory Board (STABs) and a Qualitative Management Program (QMP) Board as needed - Convenes 5 June Suspense's are as follow: NCOERs – 28 May 19, Letter to the President of the Board – 26 May 19, AMHRR updates – 24 May 19, DA Photo – 29 May 19, MBF availability – 7 April thru 29 May, SRB updates for AC – 31 May 19 (MILPER Message at: *IPPS-A – The momentum continues to build with IPPS-A! With the Pennsylvania Army National Guard having successfully fielded Release 2, our efforts are now turned toward preparing Fielding Groups 2 and 3 to field the system. We are on our way to having the system fully deployed to all ARNG states and territories by Spring At the same time, work continues on building Release 3 with HR, talent management and pay capabilities for the Active and USAR components. Get in the Fight by visiting the following links at: and and engaging with us on Facebook IPPS-A is Here! *MILPER MESSAGE , FISCAL YEAR (FY) 19 ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AGR) FIRST SERGEANT (1SG) MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - This message only applies to Active Guard Reserve (AGR) SFC (P) and MSG serving in the USAR and contains instructions regarding the AGR First Sergeant (1SG) consideration and selection process. See more at the following link: *AR , MILITARY AWARDS, UPDATE RELEASED DATED 5 MAR 19 - From the HRC Awards and Decorations Branch: Army Regulation has been updated and is now available on the APD website. Please see the following link: *iPERMS DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR FILING A/O 22 MARCH 19 - From the Army Soldier Records Branch, HRC: S-1s and HR Professionals, posted at the following link is the new quarterly update of documents for filing in iPERMS: *Warfighter Training Support Packages (WTSPs) can be found on the Soldier Support Institute (SSI) Learning Resource Center (LRC) webpage at The Collective Training Branch at SSI is asking for feedback on the WTSPs from the field. Please take the time and look through the training and provide applicable feedback to one of the following points of contact: SFC Benson at / or SSG Naulings at / Great Training to assist HR Professionals within your units in gaining, maintaining, and/or improving their technical proficiency to perform the individual and collective tasks required to accomplish their wartime mission.

5 POINTS OF CONTACT CMF 42 Proponent Sergeant Major:
*If you are interested in attending any of the above courses, contact your S3 schools NCO to get signed up. CMF 42 Proponent Sergeant Major: SGM Scott D. Lesch: (803) , MOS 42A Proponent NCOIC: MSG Jeremy P. Mehring: (803) , MOS 42A Career Management NCO: SFC Shameka L. Harris: (803) /7817, SSG Latoya S. Hanson: (803) ,

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