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Quarter 4 Week 1 Genetics Week 4.

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1 Quarter 4 Week 1 Genetics Week 4

2 Lightning Time EARTH DAY!!!! What did you do to celebrate?
Make a political cartoon relating to Saturday 

3 Warm Up – Monday April 24 Pass back papers
Pass back Punnett Square Practice AND Pedigree Practice – review answers – turn back in for grading Begin Risky Genetics with iPads – we will continue this tomorrow  REMINDERS: Do you have your agenda? Write out what we’re doing today! Do you have your yellow card visible on your table? This is a daily requirement! Current Event Due May 17th

4 Risky genetics – April 24 & 25
Video Introduction In pairs, work through the PBS Nova activity on your devices: BYOD = ONLY on the approved sites (see Weebly) BYOD = ONLY to do THIS class activity BYOD = a privilege This is due Tuesday (tomorrow) at the end of class

5 Wednesday April 26th – Field Trip day!
Review lessons associated with our field trip 

6 April 27th - paideia Read Activity 68 silently. Take notes in your notebook to use during our paideia: Write out quotes you find relevant Record which paragraph you found quotes in Write out questions you have as you read – again, record the paragraph you are relating this to What are main concepts presented here? Think of this as a modified CURE

7 Post - Paideia Complete the analysis worksheet relating to The Lost Children Tomorrow we will do the investigation to see if we can find the parents through genetic analysis!

8 Friday April 28th Pull out your analysis worksheet from yesterday – make sure it is completed! Your partner and you will complete the Investigation 70 in the book  Fully complete the Analysis questions 1a-d & 2 in your spiral notebooks. Complete sentences, show me what you’ve learned from this activity!

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