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Allies Turn the Tide.

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Presentation on theme: "Allies Turn the Tide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allies Turn the Tide

2 The Allies devoted all their resources to the war effort
Auto factories made tanks Goods were rationed Wages and prices were controlled The increased production helped end the Great Depression

3 Governments also limited peoples rights
Censored the press Used propaganda to win public support Women replaced men in the factories Symoblized by “Rosie the Riveter”

4 Turning points of the war
The Allies won the battles of Coral Sea and Midway (air attacks from aircraft carriers) In North Africa the Americans and British trapped the German Army Allied victories in Italy led to the overthrow of Mussolini Battle of Stalingrad-The Russian army surrounded the Germans

5 June 6, 1944 D-Day invasion of France
The Germans retreated, Germany was hit with round the clock bombing Battle of the Bulge-a German counterattack that led losses on both sides Allies turned back the Germans

6 Yalta Conference Roosevelt-United States, Churchill-Great Britain and Joseph Stalin-USSR met to plan for the end of the war Soviets agreed to enter the war against Japan They agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation after the war.

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