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Chapter 18, section 2 The War in Europe.

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1 Chapter 18, section 2 The War in Europe

2 Atlantic War German U-Boats prowled the Atlantic Ocean and wreaked havoc on American shipping. No where was safe. Ships were often sunk in sight of the American coast!

3 Wolf Packs ruled the Atlantic, sinking 175 ships in June 1942 alone.
The US countered with the convoy system and anti-U-boat planes.

4 Operation Torch

5 George Patton USA Bernard Montgomery Great Britain Erwin Rommel Nazi Germany

6 North Africa and Italy The Nazis relieved the Italian Army, who was losing ground to the Allies. Rommel (the Desert Fox) commanded the Afrika Corps.

7 The Nazis pushed back the Allies until the arrival of Montgomery and Patton
Patton invades Italy in April 1943 and Italy is finally freed in July 1945.

8 May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.

9 As Mussolini attempted to flee Italy, he was captured and shot by an Italian mob

10 The Eastern Front (Russia)
Hitler breaks the Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin and invades Russia their oil supplies Much of eastern Russia is overrun. Russians make a stand at Stalingrad.


12 The battle lasts 4 ½ months,
Turning point on the Eastern Front. 330,000 German casualties, 1.1 MILLION Russians

13 Bloodiest battle in human history.

14 Allied Air War Allied bombing began pounding German factories and cities

15 Precision Bombing vs. Carpet bombing

16 Carpet Bombing Massive casualties and devastation of some German cities.




20 Operation Overlord “D Day”
Dwight D. Eisenhower was made the Supreme commander Create a 2nd front, and a beachhead in France





25 Largest amphibious landing in history (150k men in the 1st wave)
Hitler thought it was a decoy and delayed reinforcements French Resistance played a key role. France was free after 4 years of Nazi occupation.


27 Battle of the Bulge Last major German offensive (counter attack)
Largest battle of the war in Western Europe. Signaled the end of the war for most Nazis


29 761st Tank Division

30 Germany Surrenders Hitler commits suicide as Berlin is surrounded
Germany surrenders on May 8th , 1945 known as VE Day. FDR died about a month before.




34 Yalta Conference , February 1945
Germany is divided into occupied zones Stalin promises Enter the war in the Pacific vs. Japan Hold free elections in occupied territories

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