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Week 16 Nov 28—Dec 2.

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1 Week 16 Nov 28—Dec 2

2 Roots/Bases, Prefixes, Suffixes
MONDAY Root/Base Meaning Examples fin flu form fort

3 Anti-Hero Tuesday: In literature, an antihero is a central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities. They blur the line between hero and villain.

4 Why Are They Anti-Heroes?

5 Tuesday 1. It was the most embarasing moment ever but I just had to get threw it. 2. First we herd the scores and we were so exsited we jumped yelled and screamed.

6 Tuesday It was the most embarassing moment ever, but I just had to get through it. First, we heard the scores, and we were so excited; we jumped, yelled, and screamed.

7 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Wednesday Tuesday: WEDNESDAY Explain what this quote means, and explain how it could apply to your own life.

8 Thursday ACT Question There are probably a thousand things I could of done to make her stay, but now I’ll never know. NO CHANGE could of did could have did could have done

9 Answer and Rule/Explanation
“Could of” is ALWAYS wrong.

10 Roots/Bases, Prefixes, Suffixes
FRIDAY Root/Base Meaning Examples frig fum gen grad, gress

11 What is something that your parent/guardian does that makes
Click on the image to see the video. VIDEO JOURNAL What is something that your parent/guardian does that makes you laugh?

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