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Political Parties in the Reichstag

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Presentation on theme: "Political Parties in the Reichstag"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Parties in the Reichstag
June 1920 May 1924 Dec. 1928 Sep. 1930 July 1932 Nov. Mar. 1933 Communist Party (KPD) 4 62 45 54 77 89 100 81 Social Democratic Party (SDP) 102 131 153 143 133 121 120 Catholic Centre Party (BVP) 65 88 78 87 97 90 93 Nationalist Party (DNVP) 71 95 103 73 41 37 52 Nazi Party (NSDAP) - 12 107 230 196 288 Other Parties 98 92 122 22 35 23

2 Exam practice and Essay structure
L/O: To be able to answer different types of exam questions on the same time period using appropriate structure and detail.

3 Why did so many people vote for the Communist Party from 1931-1932
Why did so many people vote for the Communist Party from ? (6) (2 points explained clearly = 6/6)

4 Ten mark questions 1929-1933 L I M P A E R
The depression was main the reason why the Nazi’s became popular after To what extent do you agree? How far was the rise of the Nazis to power the result of German dissatisfaction with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Explain your answer. To what extent was Hitler's appointment as Chancellor on 30 January 1933 the result of his popularity? Explain your answer. L I M P A E R

5 Structuring task: 1) For each exam question – select the information (evidence) you will use for each essay. 2) Place the evidence in the order you will discuss it. 3) Stick them in your book under the seperate titles 4) Draw lines to show where the points you will be discussing may link together. 5) Choose one essay question and answer it!

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